The following article illustrates another method where you can pyramid your money and advertising automatically.
Can You Show Me How To Make Money Quickly?" This Is How I Helped My Nephew
By Adrian Henderson
Thursday, January 31, 2008
How To Make Money Quickly
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:58 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Multiply Your Advertising From Your Profits
Yesterday, we discussed some advertising strategies. Today let's talk about how we multiply your advertising with your profits. Some other people might say; Pyramiding your profits.
The whole concept here is that you have to think BIG!
You must have the commitment to do this. Here is how it works. Whatever profit you get out of one ad if large enough(profit), you will buy two ads. The money made from two ads will buy you four ads. The money from four ads will buy you eight ads. You get it? Just keep doubling the amount of ads with your profits. It won't be long before you will have literally thousands of ads submitted that can be like silent little money makers...bringing you in money no matter what time of day. That is like a passive investment, having your money work for you.
You will be looking back and thinking; Wow, it all started with that one ad. Now there is more to this strategy. The idea that is actually a working plan for many sounds rather easy, doesn't it? Well, no it isn't! Shucks, you say, I just knew there was a catch.
You know what the catch is? Simply, you have to have the Discipline and commitment to do this. You might recall at the start of this I said you need to have the commitment, the truth is you need both.
Here is what you need to do;
Open up a checking account specifically for advertising. When you make a profit on a particular ad, be sure you pay your bills and put the balance in your "advertising account"
It is up to you to decide how much you need to hold back for your business and for your advertising. If you find that you cannot multiply your advertising, than there is something wrong with your ads or where you are placing them. Read yesterday's article regarding this.
Now nothing in life that we do is going to turn out like the ideal scenario. As an example You may have the need for money elsewhere in the business. The point being, you need to advertise... no, you have to advertise, it is the cost of doing business. What this teaches us is discipline to think big and grow. It is also a great way to save your money for other needs. What you have to know is, this money is not for spending for anything except it's intended purpose.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:23 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
How To Advertise: Budget Strategy
How To Plan Your Advertising Budget Strategy
By Tom Egelhoff
Advertising. It's probably the toughest part of any business. How much to spend, where to place the ads, how often, what message to send, and to who? It's not possible to answer all these questions in one article so I'm going to deal with the budget creation. For tips on low-cost advertising strategies,
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:46 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Here Is An Advertising Strategy
The best and proven method with advertising is that you need to constantly test new areas. The people that are successful with their chosen business are advertising in new areas with newspapers and the Internet all at the same time. You will have so many newspapers that you are advertising in that you could literally fill a room... like the picture to the right -:). Just kidding, but I thought it makes a good point. Advertise, advertise and than do it again.
You have to monitor your ads very carefully and see which media is doing better than the others.
This is a time management and record keeping process.
What you need to do will become obvious...and that is;keep advertising with the media that pays for you and drop the ones that do not. You will find that this an ideal way to operate your business.
Keep in mind that there are literally thousands upon thousands of Internet and print advertising media to choose from. The main theme here is to set large goals, and do your best to reach them.
With the Internet you do not have to worry about having the local advertising mindset. You should be aware that when it comes to print advertising there are a lot of people that get stuck just advertising in their immediate area. The point being made here is you need to expand your advertising out through the state that you reside and eventually nationwide.
You need to think of a system where you are mixing or rotating your ads and at the same time you are doing that, you should be looking for new papers to advertise in. Remember, to keep the ads that are pulling well, paid for.
When advertising in different papers every week, you can eliminate the unresponsive papers and learn which papers are making you the best money. You should at least make a profit on each one. The newspapers that have been pulling in good profits from you for a period of time can still work for you. All you have to do is pull back your advertising to once or twice per month.The idea here is to be consistent.
When the ads stop making a profit, you can try a new ad, or move on to a different paper. Then, a few months in the future you might want to come back and try it again. Remember, the ads and product/service worked the first time you advertised. It would be worth a shot to try again at a later date. Keep your records, so you can organize the profit pullers and the money pit newspapers separate.
Tomorrow, I would like to talk about the re-investing of advertising profits.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:05 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
11 Ways Small Business Can Survive in Today’s Economy
With a little discipline, good organization, and planning, small businesses can safely survive an economic downturn. Here are a few suggestions on how to stay afloat:
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:06 PM
Labels: Business Strategies
10 Different Ways To Advertise
I saw this while surfing the net and I thought I would bring it to your attention. Advertising has a lot of imagination, here is more of just that by Roy Williams. We are going to get into that also on this site in the near future.
The more knowledge that you have about advertising your product or service is just that much more you can be ahead of your competition.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:32 PM
Labels: Advertising Suggestions
Remnant Space Advertising
Usually Newspapers have the most remnant spots. Oh, first of all let me explain what Remnant spots are. Remnant space is leftover space or space that did not sell. The media such as radio, television and Newspapers call this Remnant space.
If you are going to advertise on radio, make sure that you buy more than just one. You want to advertise by buying as many ads as you can for the best price. When you buy these ads proclaim that you want remnant space thrown into the deal. For example; If you buy say 20 ads on a Friday, at the regular price, ask for 25 more ads to be scheduled at the radio station's convenience, during the next 2-4 days. This ad may run at weird times like 4 or 5 in the morning or at maybe the one of the best times...say around noon. However you look at this the extra ads are a plus for you.
Television, always has some remnant space. When you think of all the local stations, cable networks and affiliates etc. you can find some really good deals. I have heard of people getting a minute of air time for $50.00. The same thing applies here as does radio advertising you have to insist on getting some bonus time if you buy a lot more than just one ad.
Newspapers- This is the most difficult media to deal with. These people hold the freebies for their largest and most consistent advertisers. Look around your area, I bet you have a lot of other local papers that would welcome your business. Run a large ad with them for a month or so than ask if they would run remnant ads throughout their paper. You could suggest to the paper to have the readers read your larger ad through the filler ads by putting in the page number where the larger ad is located. This could effect the way people view your business when they see all these extra little filler ads.
Have you ever seen your local businesses in a large National magazine? These ads are called demographic or regional editions. What they do is put inserts that have the local ads. Check and see with someone in your area locally. If you cannot find a contact number, the media should have a number where it says you can place advertising. Then, just ask for a local advertising number for that magazine.
It is best to wait until an hour or so before the deadline. You probably will get a sweet deal. These people, know that if they have any space left, they would rather sell it for a reduced price than letting it go empty. You will be amazed if you can do this and what you can get for a really large ad. I have heard of a full page going for around $200-$300.00. The secret is in your timing.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:37 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Monday, January 28, 2008
Advertising With Newspapers
There are a lot of Newspapers that have their own rules and procedures to allow you to advertise with them.
With some newspapers, if you feel you would receive good exposure, than you might have to change your ads, based on their insertion criteria. I use to Advertise with one of the Major Newspapers out here on the West Coast. I finally determined, that it was just not worth all the fuss I had to go through to continue advertising with them. The end result was, I dropped that one and added two others that had the same circulation when combined.
Perhaps you may find one that it is of absolute necessity that you advertise with them. Should that be the case work with an Advertising manager that handles your particular category. See what you can change about your ad, that you satisfy their requirements or policy.
Have you ever heard of Remnant space? Tomorrow we will talk about how you can pay less for your ads using this strategy.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:20 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Sunday, January 27, 2008
A New Home Business Idea.
My wife just hates to do housework. I can't say that I blame her. She works all day(her choice)and does not have much interest in cleaning a house. You just know that there are millions just like her that feel the same way.
With all the homes and Apartments that are scattered around most cities, you have a lot of potential customers. It does not take a highly skilled person to do this, and if you are just starting out, your customer already has the equipment. It would be advisable as you grow with this business to acquire your own,(equipment) as soon as your profits will allow.
Since this is a service business you have to put out quality work. The word will spread and you will soon need to duplicate your efforts...Hire other people, and watch your business grow.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:07 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Try A Smaller Newspaper For Testing
Yesterday, I mentioned a great place to go to place your ads...
If you have been to the site, you no doubt noticed that you have quite a choice, where you could run an ad in print and or online. btw- print ads are normally seen by more people than your online ads. This is of course based on how, when, and what source you are using for online advertising. We will get into that at a later date.
You will find that there are small-town weekly newspapers that will place your ad for as low as $2.00 or even less. That is a great rate particularly if you made just one sale. Let's say your product or service is selling for $20.00. Should that be the case you have made a gross profit of 1000% of your cost. Now if you ran 20 of those $2.00 ads, making on the average 1 sale per each newspaper. That's $400.00 and you only invested $40.00 .Let's get really conservative and say you only make 10 sales for all 2o newspapers. The ads would cost $40.00, your sales would be $200.00 based on the above figures your gross profit would be $160.00. That's 4x your advertising costs. Can you see the potential with this?
I cannot say it enough. The main thing you should do is test, test, test your ads before you run that particular ad in more publications. Try 3 or more different ads advertising the same product. When your ad expires look at the sales. The ad that pulled the most sales is the one that you want to run in more and more publications.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:13 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Where Do You Test Your Ads- A Continuation From Yesterday
Yesterday I was saying that I would mention where to test and run Your ads. You are really going to appreciate this. BTW- I am not earning a cent from this. I just appreciate your readership. Anything that I believe will help you succeed in your business or New Business, I am going to write about. Or at least put in a link where you can go for pertinent information.
The best place to run and test your ad(s) is below. This Company has partnerships with the Pennysaver, Thrifty Nickel and much more. Now here is the advantage;
You can test your ads online and offline through Multiple sources. You can test by a city individually, or run a Nationwide ad. You can do this in print, online or both.
How about that for convenience! Pretty good, Huh? The following I copied and pasted from their site:
Advertise with and gain access to:
- Over 16 million page views per month.
- Over 500,000 registered users.
- Over 230 online market areas and growing.
- Our users are split almost 50/50 between male and female.
- 85% of our users are over the age of 25.
- 32% of our users make $30k - $60k per year.
- 47% of our users make in excess of $60k per year.
- Largest CVC audited national network of weekly publications.
Go to the site and look around. Do not miss anything. Start your campaign now and remember to test your ads on a small scale before you "go large".
Have a great weekend!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:18 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Friday, January 25, 2008
Here is A Great News Article About Advertising Consistency
Steve Mckee wrote a great article in Business Week concerning how something that is new does not always take off. The same applies to advertising. Take a look, it does make an impression regarding repetition
The Seinfeld Principle for Advertising
For a successful campaign, commit to unfolding the identity of your brand over time and don't ask any one ad to do too much
by Steve McKee
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:15 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
A Few Thoughts On Small Ads
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:39 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Take A Look At This Business!
The Middle class is being attacked! The trend is firmly entrenched with the outsourcing of good paying jobs.
customer support,airlines phone sales counters, etc. going to India and other similar countries Good paying blue caller jobs in the US are declining with manufacturing moving to China, Mexico and other countries. At home jobs like construction, landscaping, farm labor, hotel services, etc. are being filled by illegal aliens. So where does that leave us? In the middle fighting to maintain our life style.
Gas prices are soaring. The cost of living is on the rise. The value of the US dollar is dropping. Most of us in the middle class are burdened by crushing debt. And to make it worse we are being attacked from all sides! We can blame ourselves. When was the last time you went shopping for clothes? Did you check the labels? Everything is from China, not the USA like it was not so long ago. And I bet you pay for everything with your credit cards.
Speaking of credit cards, we are guilty of buying ourselves into debt. This is part of the problem. Your home, your auto, your boat, etc. are all owned by the bank and you make payments every month from your shaky income to maintain this debt. By the way, if you own your home it is not an asset unless you are renting it out and not living in it, and if you are refinancing your home as the equity increases to pay off debt, you are following the fool's pursuit.
Even though the United States has the most advanced medical industry in the world, it is expensive and medical insurance for the average family of four is over $1000 over month. But nationalizing our health care is not the answer. And you can bet that taxes will rise considerably if the Democrats take control the presidency as well as the house, and you are the one the taxes will rise for. And as taxes rise you can also expect the local job market will shrink as well.
So what are you going to do?
The rich (anyone making over $500,000 per year) will hardly be effected. There is a reason for this. The rich do things differently than the poor and middle class do, and you don't have to be rich to learn what they do, and by learning and applying this new mind set. you will find yourself gaining the same advantages they do and actually begin to build wealth instead of debt.
Find out why the rich pay far less taxes, how they make their money work for them instead of working for money. How they protect their assets and build additional wealth. When you discover these principle and apply them to your life, you will see your life and finances make a major turn for the better. When these principles are applied you will no longer fear for your job.
By joining Sohomatic, you will have access to this information and learn how to apply it to your particular situation.
I have and here is an example of how I took a $1300 a month expense and turned it into profit. Several years ago I was paying $900 per month to finance my RV as well as another $400 a month to store it in covered storage in a nearby storage facility. I only use it 2 or 3 times a year.
With this new mindset, I went out and found an RV rental store and discovered that they would store my RV for free and use it in their inventory of rentals. By doing this they split what they rent it out for with me. On the average I receive a check from them every month for $1500.00. I have turned that liability into and asset that makes me around $7000.00 per year and I still get to use the RV whenever I want to. I have taken that income and used it to pay the RV's mortgage down as well so my monthly mortgage on that RV is now below $500 per month.
Plus I get to write off all the costs of the RV against my income when I pay taxes. Brilliant isn't it? Speaking of taxes, because I also own my own little business now, I have cut my taxes by more than %50!
Are you interested now? There is no cost for joining. But the benefits are huge!
Thomas Prendergast CEO, Inc.
Check It Out Here!!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:57 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Gardening As A Home Business
You probably know by now that I live in beautiful Sunny San Diego. It's an all year around job out here for gardening and lawn work.
My gardener is really into this in a big way. Don't let anyone tell you that it is a small time business. He makes enough money to send his kids to private school and he lives in a really nice home.
The truth is he earns all this through gardening, weeding, mowing lawns, and trimming trees and hedges. He very rarely does any hard scape work. Just check around the area to see what the going fee would be to charge your future clients.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:30 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Advertising:Think Before You Speak
Just as your funny bumper sticker might offend the guy behind you, your ad may not be saying what you want the target audience to hear
by Steve McKee
This is a great article, it illustrates what I have been writing about; you need to target your reading audience, not everyone interprets an ad the same way.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:51 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Have you Kept A Database Of Your Customers?(contd)
Continued from yesterday:
Now that you have your Database how do you organize it?
The least difficult thing to do would be to have a bundle of 3"x5" index cards. Now, this depends on how large of a customer base that you have or if you rather have it all automated.
For those that want to automate their business, due to customer volume and the products or services that need to be handled, this choice would be the best. Since we are living in a computer age, software and computers(hardware) are really inexpensive now days.
Can you remember when(computers) they were huge and cumbersome? We sure have come a long way in this field. The bottom line is, anyone that cannot afford the software or hardware for this particular job, probably should not be in business anyhow.
There are a lot of software databases, you might want to do a search engine on this to find out which one would best fit your needs. The only thing that you have to know is; what type of Operating system that you have. Windows, a Mac. Or?
The bottom line to Database Marketing is to ask your customer what they want or need and to facilitate the acquisition of that product or service before your competition beats you to the punch.
The old rule of KISS(keep it simple stupid) still applies. don't make this an issue, just get it done. Your customer is waiting! You can use those index cards, if a computer makes things too difficult for you.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:03 PM
Labels: Customer Database
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Have you Kept A Database Of Your Customers?
The more information that you have regarding your customers, the better you can target what you can market to them. Find out things such as their interests, desires, needs, if possible their birth date etc. The more you know about them, the more you will be able to market to them.
Let's say you have a garage and one of the things you do on a continual basis is change oil and filters. Now most people know when to change their oil and filter. However, if you send that customer a post card or even call them before their next oil change is due, you can beat your competition to the punch. Not only that but you will be surprised how your customer will appreciate this personal reminder.
When I was growing up as a teenager, I had a Milk Route. It was my job to know exactly when my customers needed milk. We later expanded that list to cover just about all the dairy products. Now days, your local stores and supermarkets really hurt your local milkman. The point I am making here, is to set up a way to build rapport with your customer. The more you interact and communicate, the more likely that customer will be loyal to buy from you rather than your competitor.
Now with the event of the huge department stores and supermarkets, building a relationship with your customer is more important than ever. A relationship with your customers, is the edge that you will have, that the big chains do not.
Now we have been talking about supermarkets, stores etc., but as you can reason things out this Data Base marketing can apply to any business.
Tomorrow, we will discuss some marketing tools to accomplish the organization of your Database.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:46 AM
Labels: Customer Database
Monday, January 21, 2008
Another Business Idea
Do you feel that you are really good at repair work...or just plain fixing things that are broke or in need of repair?
There are plenty of small projects that a lot of homeowners or Senior Citizens would rather call a Handyman for those repairs. Maybe they would like to have some painting done. Perhaps They may have leaky faucets, plugged kitchen or bathroom sinks, deteriorated wood or termite damaged wood etc. You get the idea. If you are good at small repairs, you could make some great spare time money on your days off. Who knows, it could grow into a full time business.
Get in contact with your friends and neighbors or small apartment owners. Spread the word about your skills.
Make a list of the charges for whatever trades you want to earn your extra income at.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:02 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
How Does Your Ad Look?
This is Continued From Yesterday. Today, let's discuss the best day out of the week to run your ad.
How to determine the best day to run an ad:
There are a number of business people that run ads when their not there. What good is that? So first thing we need to do is to run an ad when your business is open. This is a simple thing to do, but incredulously it is frequently overlooked.
If you are going to put an ad in the newspaper, than the following is how you should Target your market.
Let's start with Monday. Monday's sport section is where people like to see how their favorite teams did on Sunday. Anything to do with the man in the house should be advertised on that day in the Sports section.
The middle of the week...Wednesdays according to my ad consultant is the time to advertise anything that has to do with food or specials that your business may be running.
Fridays, what do most people say?; TGIF. The singles are looking for the bars and the older people such as yours truly looks in the papers for my favorite action flick. That get's me looking in the Entertainment section of the newspaper. I also see a lot of ads for Electronics.
I know that when I use to do advertising in my local paper Sundays had high readership so you are going to be paying a higher price than the other days. The thing you need to do is test a Sunday ad to make sure it translates into more sales for you than the rest of the week.
I remember running an ad that was 8x11, about the size of your normal flyer. Guess what? since it was in color I already had some good graphics for circulars and customer handouts. I mean you pay a good price why not make as much use of your ad as possible?
I have see people outside stores hired by the owners handing out to would be patrons their ads all day long. Without fail the owner tells me it works really well. People see something that peaks their interest and checks it out. Should they not buy the item that brought them inside the store, odds were they usually made another purchase that was totally unrelated to the circular/flyer.
The best way to advertise is to always target your market. For example, if you are going to advertise desks and office supplies, who often buys those items? Of course you say, business people. That is why you advertise in the Business section of the newspaper, or even in a business paper if you have one in your City rather than the major newspaper. If you are going to run discounted items, you might look for a shopper type of newspaper...Penny saver, Thrifty Nickel etc. The whole concept here is to test and market. Than if that works well, roll it out to other Papers in your area.
Talk with your advertising consultant regarding testing the market. This is of extreme importance with any advertising campaign. There is a lot to learn here, so you need to do your homework.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:59 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Sunday, January 20, 2008
How Does Your Ad Look?
What will catch your reader's attention? That is a question that has to have an answer. Do you think you can handle the job at hand? If you are serious about having a productive ad, and you feel you don't have the answer, what do you do?
You hire a professional and make sure that person is a top-rate graphic designer.The graphic designer will work on the look for the ad that best suits your business. The end result should meet with your approval. Now that you have what you feel would be the perfect ad that best represents your business, what's your next step?
More tomorrow...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:14 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Build-A-Bear's Founder Shares Her Story
Maxine Clark talks about what compelled her to leave a well-paid job at 47 and start her own business—and what motivates her today.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:59 PM
Labels: Success Story
Strategies: Your 2008 plan for success
It's a new year, and 2008 can be the best year ever for you and your business. How? Develop an annual business plan. If you're like me, you've got big hopes for your business in 2008. If you want to make those happen, you've got to have a plan.
Yes, I know- that's not sexy. It's not as exciting as going to a motivational seminar
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:38 AM
Labels: Business Strategies
Another Home Business Idea
Just the other day I was on route 94 out here in San Diego, California. I happened to notice right off the North side of the Freeway a huge pile of Firewood.
We all know how high coal, oil and gas is for heating our homes or offices. From the looks of the storage area of this particular location it certainly appears that there is a good market for this commodity. This is Sunny San Diego,California, I can imagine the increasing need in colder areas.
Where can you find this firewood? Well let's think about that. You no doubt have tree trimmers, tree removal services, contractors(New Homes) They have to clear the areas for construction. A lot of Farmers have a lot of acreage. All you have to do is cut and sell the firewood.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:13 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Why Not Set Up Your Own Ad Agency?
Do you know that Media outlets Pay 15% commission for you to
bring ads to them?
The 15% by the way will be figured into the cost of the ad. The
truth is as long as they get the ad and the business, it doesn't
matter who they pay the commission to. So why not save on your
next ad?
You will be saving on all the advertising media that comes to
mind. Radio, television,magazines,newspapers,just about any
outlet you can think of.
Now ad agencies usually write your ads and format them along
with where to place them. If you are good at ad writing why not
do it yourself and save the 15%? There are a lot of small
business people that do not have the budget to pay agencies.
When you think of your bottom line, you will see that the 15%
can really help with your incoming cash flow.
What you need to do is print up a Letterhead and of course you
will need some type of form to show what ads are going to be
placed and ordered. This is commonly called an insertion order.
Just do some Google searches and you should find plenty of
generic forms for your business to utilize.
What a lot of people do is just ad the words In-house Agency
after the name of their Company. This should throw away any
feeling of guilt that you may have about being deceitful. Again
as mentioned earlier it does not matter to the media outlets as
they have this built into the costs of the ad. As long as they
get the business is their main concern or agenda.
When you place your ad, all you have to do is ask for the
standard 15% agency discount or commission. There are very few
outlets(media) that will refuse the request. Now this does not
include any space that they did not sell (remnant space) or per
inquiry ads. You also could not expect a commission if you do
not have your ad prepared or laid out or typeset.
We are talking about display advertising. However, you can usually get a
commission on classified advertising as well. It may not be 15%
but anything that helps your bottom line is what you are seeking.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:27 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Friday, January 18, 2008
You Need To Advertise More Than Once
Most people that are in business for any length of time can tell you that advertising has to be consistent. There are people that start a business and think that if they put out one large ad in a high circulation type media that that should propel them forward
There is an average that ads that are given a lot of thought may be seen by the targeted customer once out of 7 or 9 times. These ads have to be seen at least three to 7 times before they have enough effect on the reader to be given any type of consideration. Rule of thumb is that an ad has to be consistent to the tune of at least 27-30 times before it has any impact whatsoever.
Any one in business that is successful will tell you that their experience has been to commit to advertise. Set aside a percentage of your gross profits. Make it a absolute necessary expense if you expect to stay in business. Sometimes a one-shot ad may make it. Just realize that if you go to Las Vegas and play the slots you could get lucky too. Bottom line is, if you have enough money you can try, but don't break the bank.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:20 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Find The Next Party
Find The Next Party;
and Hire yourself out as a person who can organize all the details regarding birthday parties, weddings, Anniversaries, etc. You might want to join some local clubs (social) and spread the word to individuals, caterers, party Rental Companies, etc. This very well could be the start of your own party rental or catering business company.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:32 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Value Of A Customer
There are some simple questions that you can ask yourself regarding how valuable just one customer is:
Have you ever thought of this in regards to the service that you provide to your customer for your business? Isn't it true that if you provide great service to your customer that he/she will continue to come back and use your service time and time again?
How much during the course of 12 months will that one customer purchase from your business?
Let's consider a Delivery business:
If a mid-size company has a need for a pickup and delivery service at $30.00 per shipment and they send 20 shipments per week, that's $600.00 per week or $31,200 Per year. Now let's say that a customer does not like how one shipment is handled and he goes to another competitor. Do you think that it would make sense to give the next 4 shipments for free in order to keep that particular customer happy?
One valued customer in a service type business or any business is the most valuable commodity that you can have. Treat every customer like gold.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:31 PM
Labels: Customer Importance
Blogrolling Is A Good Thing
Hmmmmmmm Why Should I blogrool?
You might notice that on the right side of my blog I recently put up a link called blogroll. Blogrolling is simply linking to other blogs that relate to the content of your own blog.
We as a community of Bloggers see this as helping one another by linking.Sometimes it is better to divert your traffic elsewhere. This is usually a reciprocal act and can be very helpful for your visitors by diverting them to a fellow bloggers's website. You now have helped a visitor if they find the link helpful. You also have helped the person and their blog on the other side of the link by adding to their traffic.
This is a win, win situation and should be given consideration if you are new to blogging.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:50 AM
Labels: Blog Information
Tax Preparer/Bookkeeper
You know as a home business, there are no doubt tons of small business people that really do not require a full-time bookkeeper. My sister-in-law has been doing this for many few years out of her residence and she makes almost a 6 figure income. Now you would probably agree, that is a really great income for a one person operation.
Keep in mind the busiest times are around tax season. This means you can always pick up more business by keeping the books for small business people.
Do you have any training in this field? You can casually visit your local businesses and get some part-time work from each entity that you visit. It would not take many locations when you think about it to keep you busy.
As With All Businesses, Keep An Internet Presence.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:36 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another Good Reason Why You Should Have Your Own Business
You probably heard of Corporate downsizing, layoffs, Etc. There are so many areas in the United States where people barely can make ends meet.
There are men and their wives in their 40's and 50's that have kids that have to move in with their parents. Read more about this and you will be able to further comprehend on the security that can come when you are in charge of your own business.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:30 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Search Marketers(39% Have Less than 3 years Experience
Around one third of in-house search engine marketers are managing monthly budgets of over $200,000 according to The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization's (SEMPO) In-House SEM Salary Survey.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:04 AM
Labels: Marketing Information
What The Wall Street Journal has to say about Pay-Per-Play
A new blog post has just been published that you
should read right away:
This was also mentioned in The Wall Street Journal today.
Check out the blog post for more details:
As you can see, PPP is no joke...
We now have over 24,000 core affiliate partners responsible
for signing on 9,000,000 websites producing over
1 billion 5 second audio ad plays per month (projected).
Our launch date of February 1st is approaching fast so now
is a good time to join our community.
Remember, each time a new affiliate is referred you will
earn 5% of what advertisers spend on their website. You
will also earn an additional 5% on those that your direct
referrals bring on board.
Get in now before the doors slam shut on this opportunity.
Those who get in now will always be able to earn by referring
other websites. Each website you bring on adds new residual
weekly income to your bank account.
If you have been sitting on the fence waiting for our launch
on February 1st then you are doing yourself a disservice. At
the rate we are acquiring new website owners you may be
giving away your share of the projected $700,000 per day
network income to someone else.
Sign up right away. Full training materials are included if
you need them:
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:46 AM
Labels: PPP (Pay Per Play)
A New Home Business Idea
Do you play any musical instrument? if you are good enough to play it you are good enough to teach it.
Now days with the event of American Idol, you could even teach people how to sing, again if you are good enough. We also have dancing with the stars? Can you dance? Same can teach dancing. Teaching guitar and piano is still very popular with both young and old.
Whatever it is you can do that involves music and you are good at can teach it. Start your home business now!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:11 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
How Much Is Your Blog Worth?
Have you ever wondered how much your blog is worth?
A person named Dane Carlson says he has a way of telling you. Check out his website Below.
There is a box to enter your URL and submit. When you do, somehow it comes up with a dollar figure on how much your blog is worth.
Check it out!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:51 PM
Labels: Blog Information, Marketing Information
Knowing your Market/Product
Just Like Walmart you should know who your customer is.
When it comes to buying products or services, it is all about choices. Any potential customer that you will have, chose to buy your product or service.
You have to remember that any prospect that you may have wants to know what you have that will benefit them. The prospect does not have your interest at heart, they just want to know why they should consider buying what you are selling.
When I was in training as a salesperson, I was taught that selling is nothing but problem solving. When you have a product or service to sell you should ask…How can I take care of a problem or what needs does the prospect have that I can fulfill? What are the advantages to your customer or how will they benefit from what you have to offer them?
A customer’s experience from owning your product or service is more important than the actual commodity or service itself. People are looking for a rational reason to buy due to the fact that their emotions may be stronger than their logic to buy.
It is your responsibility to know why people buy even better than they know themselves.
Your prospects are human beings with human needs. It is up to you to ask pertinent questions to find out how to appeal to their basic human needs to create a maximum impact. Hone in on the one thing that will create a positive response.
It’s not sufficient to point out a need. The more urgent and emotional the need the more likely your prospect is to respond.
How you approach a prospect and communicate with that prospect is just as important as what you are selling. It all comes down to whether or not your prospect trusts you. Your persona, reputation, the guarantee that your product holds, the proposition, all have impact on the buying decision. One has to ask what makes us better than the competition and analyze that from the customers point of view.
People are looking at things that can fill an immediate need…let’s say over prevention or long term potential problems.
Show anyone how to quickly and easily acquire money or love…that’s something that will always work. However, the challenge is making them believe you.
Learn the specific market or need. Example would be, for instance a quick and easy diet plan vs. just another diet.
People want to avoid work, time commitments, risk, budgeting, criticism, trouble, and effort. People want to spend, be affluent, and feel good.
Since there are usually more features about a product than benefits. Turn all those features according to your products emotional needs into what will benefit them the most.
The only way to find out what your customer is thinking is to start asking them questions. People do not have to respond to statements, but it would be considered rude if they do not answer your diplomatic questions.
When testing any market you have to do your homework, test on a small scale before you roll out your advertising to gain the prospects you are searching for.
Do not guess. Test everything in the marketplace through actual traced returns and sales.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:16 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
From the Wall Street Journal-New Services Help Bloggers Bring In Ad Revenue
Net Audio Ads and its' Revenue Generating mechanism for bloggers and anyone that has a website was published today in the Wall Street Journal.
If you would like to sign up for this Amazing New Revenue System:
Check It Out Here!
For more information regarding the Wall Street Journal Article, click on the title of this post.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:04 PM
Labels: PPP (Pay Per Play)
Medical Billing Business
There are many medical facilities that do not have the time or do not have the need to have a full time person for this much needed service.
They normally hire part time people for this routine work. However, it would be to your benefit particularly if you ever worked in billing for a Doctor's office to offer this service. There are literally thousands of clinics and facilities in and around most large cities for a Medical Billing type of business.
Tell them about your new home business. They won't know if you do not advertise.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:15 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Monday, January 14, 2008
Be Careful When It Comes To Purchasing SEO
Here is a person that has experienced what many Entrepreneurs have:
Even if you do your homework, it is impossible to be sure if a company is just there to take your money and run or to really help your business.
Just Click on The Title of this post for complete information
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:08 AM
Labels: Seo Information
The Power Of Audio Ads
Each time you refer a new website to the Pay Per Play
opportunity you are adding a new residual stream of
income to your bottom line.
It is amazingly easy to set up and the product sells
itself. Best of all it costs ZERO to get involved and
it costs ZERO for your referrals to get involved.
Check It Out Here!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:05 AM
Labels: PPP (Pay Per Play)
Your Business Inquiry-Conversion Costs
Yesterday we talked about direct mail and media advertising. Today, let's talk a little about converting those inquiries and how to estimate your cost per inquiry.
To calculate your inquiry-conversion costs, you must estimate the total number of inquiries you expect to receive or project from those you have already received in test ads. You must also figure out your costs for handling the inquiries. This means opening the envelopes, typing address labels, etc. With Internet Advertising it means double-opting those people that expressed a desire about your product or service.
Your inquiry handling cost costs, for example, might be $40.00/M or 4cents/inquiry. Now multiply that number times the expected number of inquiries to obtain your total inquiry handling costs. Finally, add your total media advertising costs plus your total inquiry handling costs to find your total costs for obtaining all the inquiries.
You now can treat your total inquiry obtainment costs as a list rental cost or the costs for developing your email list.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:05 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
A New Home Business Idea
Dictation by Telephone:
A telephone recording device is a good way for a former Secretary to make money in a Home Business. By dialing your number any businessman can dictate directly over the phone to the recording device-which you would later transcribe on.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:19 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Is Audio Advertising Appropriate For All Sites?
One of the biggest questions that we get is...
Won't audio ads scare away visitors to my website?
The answer is no, we have been testing this system
successfully for 2 1/2 years. Complaints are rare
because the ad is contextually related to the web
page on which audio ads are played.
As a website owner you need to choose which pages
in your website are appropriate for audio advertising.
We agree that audio ads are not appropriate for all
We give you the power to choose where audio ads play.
Further, audio ads are only heard one time by your
visitor so they will not get bombarded with one ad
after another.
We already have a few millionaires in the making
because they have referred this opportunity to
bigger players in the industry. Others have set
themselves up with huge residual income opportunities
by referring hundreds or even thousands of people
into this opportunity.
Remember, there is no cost to join and it costs
nothing for your referrals to join.
This is a limited time opportunity... Will you
take a few moments to inform your contacts so
that you can reap residual rewards from their
effort for years to come?
Check It Out Here!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:42 PM
Labels: PPP (Pay Per Play)
Insanely Profitable Part-Time Income Business Working From Your Home
Here is a good link that will help you even more if you are a person just starting out on the Internet and you want to make a part-time income. It falls in line with what Internet Income 4 Beginners is all about.
Click on the Title of this post for more information.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:26 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Media Advertising and the costs involved
As with direct mail, be sure to include your creative and prep work costs in your total advertising costs. If you plan to use the same ad copy for a number of ads, you can amortize the creative costs over the entire ad campaign.
What needs to be done is to include your complete creative and prep work costs over a long-term promotion. Just include your complete creative and prep work costs plus the total costs of all ads to be used plus any miscellaneous costs...such as overhead. Should there be any other costs that you feel are appropriate be sure to add them also.
Your advertising costs can then be used to figure your total costs per order or costs per inquiry for the entire promotion.
Tomorrow we will talk about Inquiry conversion costs.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:29 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
A New Home Business Idea
Do you like dogs? Than how about a Dog Grooming Service?
If you do like dogs and dogs like you, this could be a great money making service for you. You would offer to clip, shampoo, brush and comb the dogs for a fee. Find out what the normal charges would be by doing an internet search.
Now it would really be helpful for your Dog Grooming Business if you apprenticed with a veterinarian first.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:19 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Watch Out For My Space Malware
Security Watch is reporting a new MySpace security issue that could reasonably make someone's day unhappy. The idea behind the hack is to send an authentic looking patch from Microsoft to a person's computer, once they have clicked on a link to view a person's profile. Click on this Post's title for the full story.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:07 PM
Labels: Social Media Information
Google's Position On Cloaking and Paid Links
Google's solution to these problems has basically been to disallow paid links and cloaking and punish the sites that disregard their rules by penalizing or even booting them from the index
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:52 AM
Labels: Google Information
Audio Ads
Placing audio advertisements on a website
is an easy way to earn more money without
getting additional visitors to your website.
Add revenue to your bottom line by simply
pasting a small piece of Javascript code
to every page of your website that you
want your visitors to hear a brief 5 second
audio advertisement.
Each visitor will hear only 1 ad. Each time
an ad is played, you are paid.
This is a limited opportunity be sure to
sign up right away at zero cost.
Check It Out Here!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:12 AM
Labels: PPP (Pay Per Play)
Errand Running Service As A Home Business
You will have many potential customers for this service. Businesses, neighbors, senior citizens, etc. You can offer a delivery or pick-up service. Do shopping, buy gifts, take care of banking, etc.
This and many other home type businesses always require that you get the word out. That is why advertising an internet business or a local business in your area has to be advertised.
As always don't forget to keep an Internet Presence.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:38 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
How to Calculate The Costs Of Your Promotions For any Home Or Internet Business
Let's first talk about Direct Mail Programs. Direct Mail Programs are still a viable force as far as marketing is concerned.
For direct mail programs you can calculate either total costs or costs/M, to figure costs/M, you will need to know how many thousands you intend to mail since creative and prep work costs should amortized over the entire mailing, and other production costs vary depending on quantity. Let's take for example the cost /M for 1M letters might be $39.00 whereas the cost /M for 20M obviously would be less when dealing in quantity.
Be sure to include all creative costs; salaries or fees of the writers and artists, materials costs, etc. Than there is all prep work costs such as typesetting, photography, pasteups, color separations, etc.
Printing costs can be obtained from your printer. List rental costs should include the costs of preparing and using your own house lists, rental of other lists, and merge-purge operations.
If you have a lettershop handle the mailing, inserting, addressing, and mailing charges may be grouped as one cost. If you do the mailing yourself, you need to consider the costs of inserting all pieces into the outer envelope, the costs of labeling the envelope, and the costs of bagging, sorting, and mailing. Be sure to include all labor costs.
One miscellaneous cost you might want to include is a percentage of your overhead for the advertising department and mailing operations. Some mail order people include it and many do not. The ones that do not consider it as an overhead or fixed cost.
Postage costs vary depending on whether you use first class, third class, bulk rate, or some other means of delivery such as by hand, or by mailgram, or by UPS, or by birds, or by lizards, or get the idea-just be creative.
Tomorrow let's talk a little about media advertising.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:21 AM
Labels: Advertising Information
Friday, January 11, 2008
How To Make The Best Use Of Your Time
When it comes to a Home Business or whenever you start a new project, you should lay out a schedule, detailing each activity you must complete. Let's call this a Project log. This project log ensures two things:
1. That no essential activity will be forgotten, and
2. That each job gets done in sequence and, it is done on time.
The Project Log will also help you in planning future home business or Internet Income making projects by providing you with a realistic idea of how long each activity will take, based on your past experience.
First you will need a name for your project with the starting date and the Target Completion Date.
So, on one line we will have what is scheduled with a column for start and column for finish. Next to that will be the Actual start and Finish Columns. To the right of these columns you enter the Activity and on the right margin you can put the title "Done" and check off the date that you did so.
If anyone wants me to email them how this finished product should look, get in touch with me by leaving your comment and email address. I will be happy to send you a copy. Not only will this help you for any home business it does just as well for an Internet business.
Tomorrow we will determine how to calculate the cost of your promotions.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:10 PM
Labels: General Business Information
A New Home Business Idea
Well actually this has been around for a long time but there is just so much business for this that the field is hardly overcrowded.
I am talking about Attics, Basements and Garage Cleaning. These are three areas that collect both dirt and junk and should be "cleaned up" periodically. It's hard physical work and most people would rather hire someone to do the job. One thing for sure you will never run out of work. This is what you might say is "job security".
Just run your home business smarter and not harder and hire a crew to do just that.
Remember for any business always keep an internet presence.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:35 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Thursday, January 10, 2008
How To Choose The Optimum Project (contn'd)
Ok, I named most of the criteria that should be relevant to your money making project yesterday.
If you have any other criteria you would like to use to create an internet income or a work from home opportunity, you might want to weigh some more factors.There are factors that could create a problem or not. For example, if you have little money to start with, capital requirements could be the determining factor in your decision and, or, if your time is limited because of full time employment elsewhere, factors (1) and (2) or factor (6) might be the most significant factors and carry the greatest weight.
Once you have assigned number values to all the categories, add them up. The project with the highest total should be given first priority in your plans on how to proceed in your most profitable market(s) Generally, it is this one project which will allow you to make optimum use of your time and resources.
Now you can let these determining factors help you choose which projects to pursue first, but don't let it be the sole determining factor. It should supplement your own intuitive judgment, not replace it.
Tomorrow we will get into how to make best use of your time
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:46 PM
Money In Old Magazines
Did you know how much money there is in Old Magazines? Just do a Google search to find out.
Start a collection of old magazines from your neighbors, friends, and relatives.Then offer these "back issues" magazines for sale at cut rate prices. Ideal at garage sales,flea markets etc. Start making money at home now.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:26 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Children's Trips And Outings.
A good money-making idea is to organize day trips with small groups of children. You might take them to museums, the beach, the zoo, to ball games, on hikes, picnics, bicycle rides, to the fire house etc.
"Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life". It's a quote and I am not sure who said it, it sure does have a lot of truth doesn't it?
The only true way of gaining a fortune is to have your own business. Why not start now?
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:57 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
How To Choose The Optimum Project
This is a continued series from yesterday; (Planning For
Profit... yesterdays Title)
Let's say you have only one product or idea to sell for your home business or Internet income opportunity... than it would not be necessary to organize your projects into any type of priority since you have only one.
Now if you are blessed (or cursed) and you have an abundant
imagination and a number of possible projects, than you would
need to organize those projects by priority.
What you would do is to list each of your potential projects and
note what product you plan to sell and how you plan to promote
it. Would you use direct mail, magazine ads, other ads, put it
in a catalog, or would you use Internet Advertising exclusively?
Suppose you have 10 different projects to work on. You would
assign a number from 1 to 10 to each project under each of the
following categories:
1.Promotion timing-the time required to get the promotion off
the ground. allow time to design and write the advertisement or
sales literature, to prepare the copy, to print, and to mail
(Plus advertising lead times)
2. Product timing-time required to have a finished product.
Allow time for designing, tooling, producing, and shipping. Be
conservative. You might also want to consider how long it will
take to obtain reorders, if that is needed criteria.
3.Capital requirements-how much up-front cash will the project
require? How much for designing, how much for tooling, how much
for ad copy prep work, how much for initial product inventory
and promotion? The higher the capital requirements, of course,
the less desirable the project would be. especially if your
financial resources are limited. Make this category more
objective by assigning concrete values to each number-for
example, 10=$100.00 or less, 9= $101.00 to $300.00,... 1=
$5,000 to $10,000, 0= $10,000 and up-or some other such ranking
which reflects the range of potential capital requirements.
4. Profit potential-how much profit can you expect to earn from
each project? Assign a dollar value to each number from 1 to
10, zero being the lowest and ten the highest. Be realistic in
evaluating the potential profits. Use a cost analysis and profit
formula to determine potential profits for each project.I will
describe and illustrate this for you at a later date in this
series! Hint- Keep coming back!
5.Back end potential-the potential for repeat sales. Will your
customers come back for more? Does the product itself get used
up or wear out so the customer will need to buy more?(e.g.,
vitamins or clothing)? Or, can you develop an appropriate line
of products which can be offered to your customers(e.g., a
catalog of kitchen gadgets or a series of books)? Repeat
customers are the foundation of all businesses.
6.Ease Of Operation- Is it something you can handle? Does it
draw upon your talents and interests? Will it be easy to set
up and continue? If impossible, assign a zero; if you could
do it in your sleep,assign a ten.The more suitable, the
higher the number.
7.Odds of success- the most subjective of the rankings. How
appealing is the product? How large is the customer base?
Will it play in Peoria? The rating here should reflect your
enthusiasm for the product, plus-more important-the results
of any market testing you have done. Zero indicates no chance of
success. Ten indicates that the sky is the limit.
Tomorrow, Other criteria...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:41 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Social Media optimization(Traffic Suggestion)
Social Media Optimization...
It is a fact that social media is outpacing search engine traffic and is becoming the single element that has been responsible for many online successes.
The boom of social media has made it exceedingly easy to gain traffic and loyal followers faster than ever before. Optimizing for the search engines is one thing but optimizing for social media is something entirely different.
Think of social media as the "human driven" element of your online presence and think of search engine optimization (SEO) as something that you build through solid website structure coupled with social media. Get your Internet business going in a big way by using this outlet.
What is Social Media?
Put simply, social media is any outlet through which Internet users have contact with each other or you. Social media allows Internet users to communicate on a more personal level. When you communicate on a personal level you will have more interaction. This interaction becomes more personal thereby giving more credibility to your product or service.
For more information regarding Social Media, just do a Google Search or get a full course in this by joining PPP(Pay Per Play)
Check It Out Here!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:02 PM
Labels: Social Media Information
Planning For Profit
One has to optimize their time and resources to ensure success on the Internet. This means you have to plan your projects carefully. What is the best product to sell? What price will you sell it at? How will you sell it and by what means? These are just some sample questions that need answered before you can begin a successful Internet business. I am sure you would like the answers to those questions. Well before we go any farther, let me ask you some questions; Do you know what your costs are going to be?, How about your capital requirements? and/or your profit potential and time schedules to accommodate the sales for your products and services.
Think about the questions that I just asked. I will be getting into more detail on those subjects in the coming days and weeks. Remember that you need to have a plan. That plan has to head you in the direction that you intend your business to go. The concept behind this is to free you to spend more time working on your business and not just in the business.
More tomorrow...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:25 PM
Labels: Advertising Information
Ways To Make Money At Home
Have you ever seen the people washing and waxing cars at an office building?
Car washing particularly for warmer areas can be a a great year-round profitable business. You can do it at your home or there are a number of office buildings that are in your area that you could arrange such a service.
I live in San Diego, Calif. I see a number of these services doing just that. I talked to one of the owners and casually asked at some point in our conversation if he could give me a general figure of what he was earning.
Believe it or not just from this one office structure he was earning over 6 figures per year and he had two other locations.
He also offered car waxing. He was able to charge a lot more money "waxing" cars.
Check around your area to find out what others are charging to determine what you should charge for this service
Don't forget with any business now days it is paramount to have a website to promote your services or products.
Why You Should Have A Home Business Click Here!!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:19 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Monday, January 7, 2008
Making Money At Home
There are many ways to make money at home. Here is just one idea with many more to follow;
Turn your hobby into a home business. If you are good at making things with your hands...such as wood carvings or jewelry, you can turn this into a profitable home business by selling your finished items to local stores. Examples of stores to sell to would be;
Gift shops, and or local home town stores run by business people that live in the area.
Take a look at the money machine network to start your home business.
Check It Out Here!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:59 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Locating Profitable Markets by Charles Heflin
Good Afternoon Everyone:
Since this Blog is about Internet Income 4 Beginners, I thought the Article below by Charles Heflin should be great content for anyone that is determined to start an Internet business.
I have mentioned and displayed links on this site regarding PPP(Pay Per Play)advertising. Charles Heflin does training for those wishing to promote PPP. This would include yours truly.
I feel Charles has a lot of great things to say about making money online and you should be made aware of it.
btw- If you have not joined yet, I strongly urge you not to miss out on an Advertising Opportunity that I can almost guarantee will be larger than Television and Radio combined.
I have posted the link on the right side of the blog where it reads; "Advertising More Effective Than The Superbowl.
For your convenience Click Here!!
Now Let's Get Started With Locating Profitable Markets;
You should never go on guessing o the advice of someone else in order to determine if a market will be profitable.
Jumping into a new market blind is the worst mistake you can make for your business. Many aspiring webmasters fail because they jump into a new market based on their own reasoning. They also fail because they follow bad advice.
Locating profitable markets is easy to do because they are so abundant. There are literally millions of profitable niche markets to get involved in. 90% of those profitable markets are easy to dominate within a few weeks.
While it is easy to dominate (own a major share of traffic) most online markets it is not so easy to determine the projected profitability of one market over another, unless you have some specialized knowledge.
The goal of this report is to give you that specialized knowledge so that you can begin exploring and finding your next online venture. If you already have an online business then this will be a good way for you to explore new markets for the purpose of building your business.
In order to locate a profitable market you need to:
Locate sources of market ideas & uncover markets that have more action (competitors).
Determine which keywords have the highest PPC (Pay Per Click) cost within the vertical market.
Determine the estimated organic traffic that each of those keywords receive.
Multiply the PPC cost by the total traffic to get the estimated "wealth" of the market.
Now I will break each one of the points above down and show you why they matter.
Locate Sources of Market Ideas & Uncover Action Markets...
Market research is the difference between making pennies or making a fortune. If you are a beginner or are just looking to expand into new markets then you first have to seek a source of inspiration.
If you already have some ideas in your mind then you are one step ahead of this one. This is the first step if you have "no idea" where to start.
Use the following websites to find ideas for markets to explore:
The Yahoo Directory
Google Checkout
PayPal Stores
You can visit any of the websites above and comb through their directories to find a market that looks interesting to you. Interest is all you need to move into the next step.
The websites above have years of experience that tell them what is most interesting to their visitors and how to categorize those interests into large groups & then break those groups down into niches or sub-markets.
Looking at the Yahoo Directory (for example) you can dig into any category and can quickly discover which sub-category has more listings. Each listing has the number of listing within the sub-category listed next to it.
Sub-categories with more listings are an indicator of wealth. In other words the more listings there are the more money there is to support those listings.
This leads us into a vital piece of information.
"The more listings there are in a sub-category, the more money there is in that market."
This is especially true in the Yahoo Directory because each listing is paying $299 per year (at the time of this writing) for a listing there. The theory holds that if there were not already an element of success then a business would not consider paying this fee.
While this is not true some of the time, the majority of the time it is. In essence the Yahoo directory is one indicator that you could use to find a sub-market or niche to explore further.
Used with other indicators you can quickly hone in on a market that has "action". Action is what you want but not just any action... You also need sales.
How can you determine if there is money in a market?
In order to see if there is money in a market you need to see how much is being paid on a Pay Per Click (PPC) basis on a broad snapshot of keywords in the market.
The more that is being paid by advertisers on a PPC basis, the wealthier the market is. What makes a market wealthy?
That's right, it is proven that the more that is being spent on advertising in a market, the more money that market is making from customers.
There are thousands and thousands of wealthy markets and niches online. Use the websites above to find them and then use tools to uncover 100 of the most popular keywords in the market you are exploring.
Wealthy markets are abundant. Now it is a simple matter of determining which market to focus on. Looking at PPC prices being paid across the most popular 100 keywords in a market is the first step in determining its wealth.
The next step is...
Determine how much traffic each keyword gets organically. Organic is another word for natural or free search engine listings. How much traffic does each of those 100 keywords get?
Once you get these numbers then for each keyword you multiply the estimated organic clicks per day by the estimated PPC cost that is paid for each keyword (on average). This will give you you an accurate ballpark figure to determine the wealth of one market over another.
How to calculate the wealth of a market...
Now that I have revealed how to determine the wealth of one market over another, I need to actually show you how to do it. Following are links to articles that will uncover this process step-by-step:
Estimating market profitability using free tools
Appraising a market before jumping in
More on Finding profitable markets...
The Ebay method for locating hot selling physical products (coming soon)
The Click Bank method for locating good selling digital products and services (coming soon)
There is a great abundance of wealthy markets, sub-markets (niches) online. In this report I have given you some easy ways to locate these markets and determine which ones are more wealthy than others.
I always inform my readers that "wealth" should not be the only factor that you use to make a choice of what to go after. You should also consider your INTEREST in that market.
If you have no interest in a market other than the prospect of tapping its wealth then you are headed for trouble. It is extremely hard to dominate a market that you find boring. If you are bored you won't do well because you will try to cut corners. When you cut corners it shines through to your visitors. Your visitors will always seek authority. If you are bored then your visitors will quickly find somewhere else to go. This is a fact.
Seek a market based on Interest and then wealth. The more interested you are, the more ideas you will have and the better content you will produce. You will engage your visitors and they will buy from you.
Seek your passions...
Many beginners struggle to find a place to start. While the tools and methods outlined in this report are a great way to find wealthy markets you still need to figure out what interests you.
Following is a tutorial that is designed to uncover your hidden passions so that you can use those passions to discover wealthy markets within them.
Discover Your Passions...
The easiest path to making money online is to discover your passions first. With your passions in mind you will have a great filter to decide whether or not to go with one market or another.
Many people fail on the Internet because they get involved in a market or niche that is of no interest to them.
If you don't have an interest in what you are doing then you will become bored very quickly. If you become bored then you will eventually fail because you won't give it your all.
The following questions are designed to get your brain working so that you can discover interests and passions that you may have never know you had. Once you discover your interests and passions then seek online markets and niches using our market research tutorials so you can discover areas that you can profit from your passions and interests.
To discover your interests and passions, spend some time contemplating the answers to the following...
When you're not worried about “making money” what do you spend your time doing or thinking about?
What are the last 5 non-money making related books that you read? -- and why?
What are the last 5 non-money making related magazines that you read? -- and why?
Look in the Internet History section of your web browser. What are the last 100 non-money making related websites that you visited? -- and why?
What non-money making related websites have you bookmarked? -- and why?
If you had 20 billion dollars and never had to worry about money again, what would you do with your time?
Look at your desk and around at your office. What non-work related things are there? - and why?
What do you usually talk about with your friends?
How did you meet your non-work related friends?
What social groups (online or offline) do you belong to?
What kind of non-money making email lists do you subscribe to?
What would you do on your ideal vacation?
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? -- and why?
These are just a few basic questions you need to ask yourself. Most people who know what their passion is are sitting on a million dollar idea. Perhaps you already know your passion so the secret to a million (or multi million) dollar pot of gold is simply market research, web mechanics and your passion to see it through.
This is not speculation. It is 100% true.
The problem with making money is -- most people are not passionate about making money. They're passionate about other things, but at the same time, worry about making money.
These feelings become twisted up together, and many people become confused. They start to think they're passionate about making money. So they continue to find roadblocks and obstacles along their constantly shifting paths.
In one’s (false) passion to make money they continuously feed that .money making passion.. They continue seeking new ways to .make money. and they find them. One way to make money leads to other ways to make money and so on.
As long as you continue to .seek. money it WILL elude you. I promise!
Money making is not real!
Providing quality products and services to people is real & that always leads to money! Money is an expression of appreciation from one person to another. Expressions of appreciation do not exist without people.
If you try to make money,. you're in for a long and fruitless ride.
Instead, please people within a subject matter you are passionate about, You'll never grow tired of growing your business and your business income will grow as a natural result.
Most people fail to make a living online because they're not truly passionate about the path they're on, so they quickly lose interest or quit altogether.
Find your passion, stay the course and your prosperity will find you. Unfortunately, most people never take the time. It takes time to gain specialized knowledge through education and then market research.
Your monetary reward is always directly proportionate to your contribution to humanity. Your contribution to humanity is rewarded with money. You can not make more money than other people are willing to give you in exchange for a genuine product or service.
I'm planting this seed in your mind for now. I want you to begin discovering things that interest you because this is where you can contribute genuinely in exchange for money.
I also want you to understand that you will need to discover your passion to become truly wealthy from an online business, or any business for that matter.
- Charles Heflin
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:32 PM
Labels: Marketing Information