Dear Reader:
When Robert Frost quipped, "By working faithfully for eight
hours a day, you may get to be the boss and work 12 hours a
day," he wasn't too far off the mark for most people.
You can't control your future if someone else controls your
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Most likely you are looking to tap into the trillions of
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launch a small satellite into space, isn't it about time
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But before we get started, I think I should let you know up
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What you are about to find out about is a legitimate home
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Don't like to sell? No problem. Only 5 people out of every
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Finally, a system where everyone can win, a simple system
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The Most Sophisticated, Comprehensive Internet System, ever!
This systems finds prospects, follows up with them, makes
your presentations, signs them up in your business online
and then trains your new associate for you! Anyone can do
this w h i c h means massive duplication.
The Unfair Advantage Click here!
Thomas Zimmerman
PS: As a bonus for taking a look at our site, I'd like to
offer you our free Ad Blaster. submit 12 million ads by just going to this website:
With our program you can give these to others, as a
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Unfair Advantage
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:56 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New Affiliate Marketers-Avoid These Mistakes
SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3%.After one year, SBI! owners have spent a fraction of your time and dollars. Every bit of that has gone into building a business, not fighting the barriers.
Affiliate marketing has some myths which on the surface are enticing. There are some individuals that unfortunately are misled in believing that they have found their own money tree. The stories that abound, tell of affiliates that earn unsubstantiated amounts of money.This of course sets up the dream that is so magnetic to the program involved that the enamored prospect gets pulled into the picture truly under the distinct impression that they are going to reap their fame and fortune.
There is of course significant evidence that Affiliate marketing can be truly lucrative. The people that have made it in the Affiliate marketing business have worked hard and smart to arrive at their rewarding financial destiny. There are quite a few individuals who now enjoy the fruits of their labor. These people that have found success know that Affiliate marketing can be quite lucrative.They also know that there is no easy path in finding the road to riches.
Have you ever heard of the expression; "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"? The same statement can be applied to Affiliate Marketing. If you want to be successful, you have to follow the lead of those who are. Just make sure you do your homework and find a program that is legitimate.
Affiliate marketing just like any other business requires Advertising and marketing your business. When you advertise on the internet, you need to understand SEO,(Search Engine Optimization) just to start to receive the traffic that is required to operate a successful enterprise.Building a website that reaches the targeted audience in relationship to your website requires, careful and selected correct choices of keywords, that relate to the content on your website pages.
Another error that anyone has to avoid including affiliates, is to avoid cluttering your site with graphics and banners.You can use a few banners here and there. Make sure that there is good content that explains the banner in itself. Content is king and the search engine's spiders they send out will just love your site.
Here is another mistake: There are affiliates who are in a rut.They continually push just one product. Diversification relating to the content of your site is paramount in it's success. Potential buyers need to be given a variety of products or services to choose from.
Just the exact opposite of having too little diversification; As an affiliate or any website owner, you can have too many products. Your potential buyers may wind up with too many options. This can cause indecision or confusion. The result; customers could very well decide to leave your web site and you are left with a "no sale". Figure out which Companies that you want to be an affiliate with. Relate them with your content, and have only the best of their Niche displayed on your site. Then, your readers will have a much more clear decision. They can even do research on their choice of purchase. If you did your homework on the merchant, the choice should be clear for your reader.
In summary: Go to a website and niche similar to one that you intend to promote. Find out what their Alexa rating and popularity is. Try to duplicate as much as possible avoiding duplication. You must be careful on infringing on other people's content and material. Make it your own, but get the essence of the project into your own frame of reference.
Internet income 4 beginners
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:31 PM
Labels: Affiliate Marketing
Franchise Expo-Research your Business Opportunity
SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3%. And, after one year, SBI! owners have spent a fraction of your time and dollars. Every bit of that has gone into building a business, not fighting the barriers. Click on the Banner for more information
Here is where you can research Franchise and business opportunities.
Franchise Expo claims that they have the best tool for researching your business that is perfect for you. Whether it is a franchise or not they want you to discover how you can be in business for yourself, but not by yourself.
They say they have franchise opportunities at virtually every investment level.
Franchise Expo-Research your Business Opportunity
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:44 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Saturday, March 29, 2008
How to market using Youtube?Learn Youtube Marketing From Eros Entertainment
I accidentally happened to notice a familiar name below a video while surfing through...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:58 AM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Finding Power in Reinforcement-Sales And Management
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
Do you love to train? According to Sandler Sales Institute, the rewards of personal and professional freedom start on day one at Sandler. With your own Sales and Management Training Franchise. Sandler says you can maximize your selling talents, control your own destiny and work close to home. They say that they are the leader in corporate training and development.
You can call them at their 800# for more information.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:48 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Friday, March 28, 2008
Partner on Call Network
This is a proven business-Newly Franchised.
According to Partner on call, you can realize your dream by owning a consulting business showing your clients how to realize their dream of owning a more profitable business.
They give you all the training, credentials, resources and support so you can help people buy, start, improve, finance, value and or sell small to mid size businesses
Partner on Call Network
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:04 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Make Good Health Your Business
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more .
Good Health is essential to operating and owning a small business. How could you start your day if you did not have the good health to do so?
Make Good Health your business by owning your own Vitamin Power Dealership. A dealership entitles you to the lowest factory-direct pricing & unlimited profit opportunities.
Here are some of the benefits:
- Free registration-Not MLM
- No franchise fees-No Royalty costs.
- No Inventory Investment-No Minimums
- Effective Sales Aids & Marketing Tools
- Nationwide Drop- shipping Service
There is virtually no investment. A free dealer business Information kit includes step-by-step marketing manual along with a product catalog and confidential price list.
For more information about making Good Health Your Business, visit their website;
Make Good Health Your Business
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:04 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Become a Battery Doctor
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
Battery Doctors Inc.
ProTec Int. has developed revolutionary prouct that makes it fast & very easy to recondition discarded batteries without taking them apart.
Working from your home, you can turn these free discarded batteries into large profits by selling them with a full warranty. This has been proven successful by Independent labs and by over 1100 operators worldwide.
This company provides equipment, products, training and ongoing marketing and support. They claim you can generate large profits your very first day.
Become a Battery Doctor
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:50 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Own Your Own Promotional Products Internet Business
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
This promotional Products Internet Business is Designed for a Home Office/Small Office.
This company NetRep Works is a complete business. They offer access to all promotional branding products along with marketing help and self promotional materials.
The company name is Newton Manufacturing and is an exclusive offer from NetRep Works. Newton has been dedicated to serving their business partners with integrity since 1909.
If you would like further information, Click on the link below;
Own Your Own Promotional Products Internet Business
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:52 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Monday, March 24, 2008
Nothing Beats Working From Home
According to a recent Harris poll, 72% of American households are thinking about starting a home-based business. You are not alone. Start today and be there first.
More and more people are dropping out of the rat race to provide services and/or goods from home. Start part-time and build until you can drop the "day job."
Nothing Beats Working From Home
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:01 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Who Owns Your Business , You or Ebay?
If you are an auction seller, you do not own your own business. It owns you.
More specifically, eBay owns you.
Yes, eBay is a brilliant concept. Poor old Amazon -- they have to do all that pick-pack-and-shipping themselves, millions of times a week. But eBay? They get YOU, and millions of others to do the hard part for them, from home, as free labor...
Who Owns Your Business , You or Ebay?
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:35 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Your Personal Guide To Online Success
If you are willing to work to build a genuine small business with long-term value and profits, read on...
Your Personal Guide To Online Success
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:49 AM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The SiteSell Link Value Exchange
You need links. Not just any links, but high-quality, relevant ones. Why?
Because, increasingly, Search Engines are using links (and other "off-page criteria") to help decide how relevant your site is for your most important keywords. But not just any old link will do... the more relevant and higher in value, the better...
The SiteSell Link Value Exchange
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:07 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
E-mail Marketing Your Home Based Business
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
Marketing Your Home Based Biz
Even if it's the only thing you do to promote your home based business, e-mail marketing will get you repeat business and referrals without breaking the bank.By Gail Goodman | February 26, 2008
Gail Goodman: E-Mail Marketing
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:45 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
How About a Boxing Business Opportunity?
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
Here is a company that was established in 1982. You can join this exciting membership physical fitness business consisting of Boxing, Kickboxing and MMA(Mixed Martial Arts training. There is no experience necessary.
This company will give you extensive training and support from the best in boxing fitness training. All the personnel will be recruited and trained.
Another Business Opportunity
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:49 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Friday, March 21, 2008
Internet Marketing Affiliate Tips
If you currently own a business or are thinking of starting one up, chances are, you are going to need some information about how to get the word out about your product or service. That is when you need to think about marketing and building a marketing strategy. There are a lot of tips on this Blog regarding Advertising and Marketing.
The following is a good article to ad to your arsenal of marketing material, particularly for Affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing suggestions
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:19 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Grown Your Own Business The Fun Way
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
This particular company wants to put you on the road to financial freedom. they are introducing a new candy snack food distribution Business opportunity that will enable you to achieve your financial goals.
They feel you are really going to love this business as it is a way to grow a business and have fun doing it.
Another Home business Opportunity
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:52 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Kettle Corn(Another Home Business Idea)
With Any Business You Need a Website. Why Not go With a Host That Helps You receive Traffic? SBI! sites are largely in the Top 3% for traffic! Just click the Site Build it banner to find out more
They say that this is one of the world's Hottest businesses. Snack food, is a multi-billion dollar industry.
With Kettle Popcorn, you can make up to $400.00 per hour. This is a 90% profit business. I have seen these operations at a lot of fairs and street fairs, or just about anywhere that they are having an outdoor well as indoor events.
According to the Manufacturing Company of Kettle Corn, they have a patented and award winning ETL Certified NSF Compliant "Ye Olde Kettle Cooker(R)" There are no refrigeration requirements or food spoilage with Kettle Corn.
They have a TURNKEY package which includes everything you need. This includes training and available financing if needed.
Their concession trailer package is complete with 4-compartments sink, hot & cold pressurized water, lights, etc.
Everybody likes popcorn...especially Kettle Corn. They say this is one product or service that people will never grow tired of and you can make Big Money for years to come.
They have a video and information at request from their website.
Another Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:52 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Coffee is Big Money-Another Work at Home Business Idea
A business needs a website. A website needs traffic. Does Your Host Help you With Traffic? Site Build it Does. Click on the Banner For Complete Information!
Coffee is Big Money with no Selling
Here is an opportunity to make some big money in your own business. Coffee doesn't need any introduction, it sells itself.
This company makes the contacts, so you do not have to do any selling to locate the machines. They say they will place the first five machines for you and provide in-the-field training. The only thing they say you have to do is provide the coffee products. They say; "Yes it's That Simple"
Work at home business Idea...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:37 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Top Ten Small Business Web Site Marketing Tips-
Many small business owners struggle with the seemingly overwhelming task of managing their web site. There always seems to be so much to do, yet no time to do it all (something we know all too well). This brief primer should help to highlight the key aspects of web site management that will help them gain the most from their web site with the time that they have available.
Top Ten Small Business Web Site Marketing Tips-
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
5:40 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Here Is a PDF Format Guide to Marketing Your Website
This Marketing guide is put out in PDF form. Earthlink has created a nifty little guide to help you get your website some traffic. It is a really good checklist for making sure these are the things you should be doing or have done everyday...
More information on How to Market Your Website.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:31 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
10 steps to getting links to your site
It's the online equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising. And just like its offline cousin, it's the most effective way to get new business. This article mainly talks about reciprocal linking. You want to build your site's popularity enough that you receive one way linking. That is linking from a high traffic site into yours.
However do not discount sites with relevant content to yours. It still has value. Take a look at this Article from The Small Business Center of Microsoft.
10 steps to getting links to your site...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:09 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
This Company Says "Stop And Smell The Money"
According to this company, you don't even know how to boil water and you could still make excellent profits with their new automatic mini-donut machine.
This blogger saw a machine like this at the DelMar Fairgrounds just North of San Diego, Calif. According to the operator and owner it sets up in minutes and its very easy to operate.
When this machine went into operation the crowds started to gather to watch the action and taste these morsels( I just ate so I did not have any) according to people around me, they said they were delicious.
Lil'Orbits, Inc. as they are called have complete turn-key packages which can put you in business fast. You get as much as 80% or more pure cash profit. This is not a franchise and you can make it a full or part time business. There is a lifetime warranty on the equipment and a detailed how to book.
Another Work at Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:32 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Do You See The Potential For Success in Every Child?
Now literally Make it Your Business
Entrepreneurs find success so much more fulfilling with Kumon. This company purports to be the number one tutoring franchise. They are saying that their instructional method and international credentials enable you to be a sort of interactive educator, business leader and community-builder that you always imagined yourself to be.
They say that start up costs and operating costs are really modest. Even though management and teaching skills will help you succeed, no formal qualifications are required.
Go here for another work at home business idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:17 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Social Networking: If You Let Them Build It, They Will Come
—The Story of Best Buy's BlueShirt Nation
Social Networking: If You Let Them Build It, They Will Come—The Story of Best Buy's BlueShirt Nation
by Albert Maruggi
Gary Koelling and Steve Bendt were about to become popular guys in the 140,000-employee Best Buy corporation. They led the effort to build an internal social-networking site.
Their objective was to obtain more information about customer likes and dislikes through the blue-shirt-wearing sales associates on the floor of the sprawling entertainment and appliance retail giant. This information would help Best Buy create more effective advertising. "If you get a decent problem to solve, you can make decent advertising," Koelling said.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:07 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
A 5 Step Internet Marketing Plan That’s Affordable and Effective
From Paula Polman
A 5 Step Internet Marketing Plan That’s Affordable and Effective
How to market your website contd
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:56 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Business Marketing Courses
Branding, advertising, and marketing design are key components in a corporate or small business environment. Want to add finesse to visual identity and marketing communications? Learn Photoshop or Illustrator, study marketing and advertising design, or immerse yourself in logo design and branding projects classes. This is an accredited online institution , so be prepared to invest in yourself.
How to Market websites and more
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:29 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Developing a Business Web Site
I suggest different business Ideas from time to time. probably one of the most important things to consider is in order to really have a successful business it has reached the point where a web presence has become mandatory
Why a small business should have an Internet presence
- Supports other forms of marketing.
- Promotes company name and brand awareness.
- A 24-hour office/storefront/message centre/sales centre. Frequently-asked questions can be answered at any time, saving staff time.
- Ability to reach markets beyond the range of local promotion.
- Making time-sensitive information available at short notice: special offers, announcements, etc.
- An opportunity to interact with customers through e-mail or on-line forms.
- Direct ordering of products and services.
- Establishing contacts which lead to sales by means other than direct ordering.
If you liked this post, why not subscribe to this blog? There is always more coming
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:15 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Small Business Marketing Tips
Here are some Small Business Marketing Tips From HUD . You will find a lot of information on this site to help you with your business and even tips regarding getting your business going.
The USA Government helps small contractors and has a program that primarily focuses on the little guy. You will see contracting opportunities, information on how to sell your products to the Government and much more.
There are some unscrupulous people that would try to sell you a lot of the information that you will find here. They would do this with complete knowledge that you can get it for free.
Stay tuned for more goodies. This is Internet Income 4 Beginners bringing you the most for the least.
Why not subscribe to my blog, if you like what I find for you?
Work at Home Business Ideas
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
9:51 AM
Labels: Marketing Information
Monday, March 17, 2008
Who has The Marketing Advantage?
Why Small Businesses Have a Marketing Advantage Over Large Businesses

Marketing Your Business to Your Advantage
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:25 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Marketing Your Home Based Biz
Gail Goodman: E-Mail Marketing
By Gail Goodman | February 26, 2008
How to Market Your Website
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
5:54 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Top Affiliate Marketing Forums
![]() If you would like to join some of the top Affiliate Marketing Forums, I compiled a small list for you to do so. Enjoy! The #1 Affiliate Marketing Forum :: ABestWeb :: The largest affiliate marketing forum with over 40,000 members that actively ... 8.75 Domains - Advertising - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Contact Us - DMCA ... Affiliate Marketing Forums There are numerous Affiliate Marketing Forums on the Internet; the ones listed ... forum that focuses on individual issues in the affiliate marketing industry. ... Affiliate Programs Forum Discussion for affiliate programs. Offers from affiliate programs are allowed as long as the user making the ... Point Forums > Marketing. Affiliate Programs ... Affiliate Marketing Forum - Powered by vBulletin Forum for webmaster and internet marketing ... Skin Provided by: Talk vBulletin. Contact Us - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Archive - Top ... Affiliate Marketing Forum - Affiliate Forum - Powered by ... ... Marketing Forum - Internet marketing, search engine optimization, affiliate programs ... Affiliate Marketing Forum - Affiliate Forum. Update ... ABestWeb Affiliate Marketing Forum This is an affiliate marketing discussion forum powered by ABestWeb ... 8.75 Domains - Advertising - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Contact Us - DMCA - Privacy - Rules ... - Forums ... with fellow super affiliates via our forum and get informative updates via our ... Affiliate Marketing In... Data Entry Specialists. How do I promote a lin... " Welcome to Affearners ! - affiliate marketing forum Benjamin starts to learn Affiliate - heres his updates. ... Complaints from bloggers about posts in our forum. Latest version of Revenue magazine online ... Friendly, helpful affiliate forum Affiliate Programs Directory. Knowledge Base. Newsletter. Affiliate Marketing Forums. Advice Articles. Beginners. Just getting started? ... Affiliate Marketing Forum ... 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums ... for the best affiliate marketing, SEO and blog marketing discussion forums. ... Sub-Forums: Affiliate Datafeeds, Niche Marketing ... WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster ... Affiliate Marketing Webmaster Forum. A great place to learn SEO, web design and development, and internet marketing along with affiliate marketing strategies. ABestWeb Affiliate Marketing Forum - powered by vBulletin Affiliate marketing discussions and chat ... Welcome to ABestWeb the Affiliate Marketing forum for both newbie and ... Posts. Affiliate Marketing News and ... ABestWeb Affiliate Marketing Forum Affiliate Marketing Discussion Forum Powered by ABestWeb ... View Full Version: ABestWeb Affiliate Marketing forum. Affiliate Marketing News and Events ... Affiliate Marketing Forum Affiliate Marketing Forum. User Name. Remember Me? Password. FAQ. Members List. Calendar. Mark Forums Read. Welcome to the Affiliate Marketing Forum. ... Affiliate Marketing Forums Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Marketing forum discussing affiliate money making ... SEO Chat Forums > Search Engine Strategies. Affiliate Marketing ... Revenue Source Affiliate Marketing & SEO Forums Affiliate, marketing, SEO, and domain forums with articles, news, traffic trades, and search engine optimization discussions. Revenue Source shares ad revenue ... Affiliate Forum :: Where You Belong - Powered by vBulletin :: Where You Belong ... Affiliate Marketing. Forum. Last Post. Threads. Posts. Affiliate Discussion. What car should I buy? ... Internet Marketing Forum - Affiliate Forums Internet Marketing Forum - Affiliate Forums - Discuss Marketing Ideas with other affiliates! ... .com Internet Marketing Forums - Archive - Top ... Affiliate Marketing - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet ... Affiliate Marketing - If we could have a theme song for a section, Pink Floyd ... Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum > Free Section ... ReveNow! Internet Marketing - Affiliate Marketing Forum Discussion of promoting affiliate programs to generate revenue from your site. ... Threads in Forum: Affiliate Marketing. Forum Tools. Rating Thread / Thread ... Home |
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:12 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Freedom Voice Systems-Marketing Source Help
They would like you to thing of their voice mail system as a voice mail on Steroids.
This company has a virtual office solution that they say will level your competitive playing field.
This is done by projecting an image of professionalism. They charge as little as $9.95 per month,whereby you can take advantage of the same technologies and conveniences that fortune 500 companies experience with high-end voice mail systems. You can do this without spending a penny on equipment.
Here are some of the benefits they offer:
- Personal Nationwide Toll Free Numbers
- Multiple Mailboxes
- follow Me Call Forwarding
- Personalized on Hold Music
- Web Interface for Easy Access
- E-mail Delivery of Voicemail and Faxes
- Dial by Name
- And Much More!
Marketing Source Help
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:22 AM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Make Money While You Sleep-Another Home Business Idea
Did you wake up this morning to find and extra $7976.00 in your Bank Account?
This guy did and he slept through the entire process.
He wants to show
You the proof
Watch The Free Movie Online
Another Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
10:05 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Friday, March 14, 2008
Who Owns Your Business , You or ebay?
If you are an auction seller, you do not own your own business. It owns you.
More specifically, eBay owns you.
Yes, eBay is a brilliant concept. Poor old Amazon -- they have to do all that pick-pack-and-shipping themselves, millions of times a week. But eBay? They get YOU, and millions of others to do the hard part for them, from home, as free labor...
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:50 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
The Unicorn, The Dragon, And...The High-Earning Affiliate
Are They All Merely Myths?
No, The High-Earning Affiliate is Alive & Well
And You Could Become One
The Affiliate Model is a "high reward/low risk" Web site monetization option...
Affiliate MarketersFinally, the promise of affiliate marketing is realized. Publish a theme-based information-jammed content site. Monetize with the cream of affiliate programs, blend in additional AdSense and other revenues. Finally... build an affiliate site that WORKS. Diversify as you grow.
Home business Idea Plus much more (click here)

Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:27 PM
Spray-on Granite Coating-Work at Home Business Idea
Spray on granite coating is a Revolutionary spray-on decorative coating for resurfacing sidewalks, walkways, patios, balconies, pool decks, walls, handicap ramps, etc.
according to the owners of this site, you can earn great profits in a business where you have little or no competition! They say there is a huge demand for this service from homeowners and commercial and industrial properties.
The product-coating is supposedly colorfast, slip resistant and they have beautiful color choices.
For dealership and distributor information they invite you to have a look at their website.
Work at Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:55 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Earn up to 4000% Profit-Another Work at Home Business Idea
Here is a company that says you can earn up to 4000% profit with personalized gifts.
There is no expensive equipment to buy. You can use your own computer and it only takes around two minutes to produce the gifts. The demand for personalized gifts is a year around business.
This company says that you can create the hottest selling personalized gifts with their exclusive five-in-one personalized gift software.
Examples of gifts that you can create are better illustrated at their website. However some of the personalized gifts are:
- First Name Meaning Gifts
- personalized poetry Gifts
- popular Bible verse Gifts
- famous quotation Gifts.
- family tree gifts
Work At Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:00 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
10 Free Marketing Tools -How to Market Your Website
Derek Gehl has some great ways to Market your website. Below are some of the tools that he suggest to help with your Search Engine marketing efforts.
10 Great FREE Tools to Help Tune Your Website
By Derek Gehl
At IMC, we're always getting requests from people who want specific tools to help build their own Internet business. The tools cover niche research, competitor intelligence, video, blogging and the list goes on.
The great news is, there are tons of free tools available online!
Here are some of our favorites, in no particular order:
Cool Free Tool #1: Alexa toolbar
The Alexa toolbar gives you instant information about any website you visit.
It's a downloadable "plugin" for your browser (IE or Firefox) and shows you a site's traffic, pagerank, related sites, who's linking in, and much more.
It's one of our "must-have" research tools!
Cool Free Tool #2: Google Website Optimizer
Google offers this free "multivariate" and A/B testing tool to help you improve your conversion rate -- and your sales! -- by testing different versions of your site content to see which gets the best results.
Google offers tips on what and how to test, so even if you're a "newbie," this tool can help you boost your site performance.
Cool Free Tool #3: XML Sitemaps
This quick and easy sitemap generator helps search engine spiders find their way around your site and index it faster so you can rank better in the search results.
(And for 5 bucks, this site has a broken link finder that will search up to 500 pages for you.)
Cool Free Tool #4: AdWords Keyword tool
The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a free tool that provides ideas for new keywords. It also gives you graphs showing the relative number of searches to amount of competition for those keywords among AdWords advertisers.
This tool is invaluable both for your niche research and for your SEO and pay-per-click efforts.
Cool Free Tool #5: Optiview
Optiview is a free site analysis tool. It lets you find out what your site looks like when it loads at different speeds and checks for images that make your site load slower than it should.
The faster your site loads, the better -- which is why a tool like Optiview is such a big help.
Cool Free Tool #6: Quantcast
Would you like to find out who is coming to you site? It's really easy with this free tool that shows your audience's age, education gender, income and more.
Cool Free Tool #7: Google Alerts
This simple tool helps you keep up with the latest news in your industry, get ideas for content, and check out your competitors.
When it comes to research, Google Alerts are a huge time saver!
Cool Free Tool #8: Blogger
Blogger is the twelfth most popular website in the WORLD. And it's the easiest way to get your own blog up and running in as little time as possible.
With a blog, you can publish articles -- or any other kind of content related to your market -- and link it to your website to get higher rankings in the search engines!
Cool Free Tool #9: Audacity
Audacity is a free audio recorder and editor you can use if you want to include any audio on your site. Plus, it's great for recording instant podcasts!
Cool Free Tool #10: YouTube
These days, people are demanding more multimedia features on a website... and that includes video.
YouTube allows you to host your videos on their site and makes it easy for you to show those videos on your site, as well. It's not just a time waster, it can help spread the word about your business!
... So those are 10 of our favorite free tools.
(This was supposed to be a list of 7, but I like all these tools so much, I couldn't leave out a single one!)
Happy business building!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:54 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Make Your Own Video Site-Good Marketing Source
This is a great way to create a good marketing source for any products or services you may have. Use this for any business you would like to market on the Web.
You can get in on the money making action that sites like you tube have experienced, by simply creating your own video site. Using a you tube script, you can create a site where you can post the videos you want and allow others to post their favorites as well. In the meantime you can profit big time from the whole do it yourself operation. Here's how to get started -
1. Find a good domain name. A dot com name which is catchy, cool, or clever will go a long, long way in making your you tube script site not only popular but a money maker. The easiest way to get traffic is through having a clever, memorable name that people can easily type in and go to, then remember and go back to often.
2. Get a good web hosting service. To get any website rolling, you need a web hosting service. Because you will be running a you tube clone or you tube script website, you will want a hosting service which can handle traffic, has a lot of features, and doesn't have a whole lot of limitations (look for the word ''unlimited'' through out the feature descriptions). Don't look for an ultra cheap service as you'll likely get ultra limited features and not so great customer service. A good hosting service can make life a lot simpler and more streamlined while starting and running your own video site.
3. Get a viral video program or e-book which will provide you with all the steps necessary in setting up your own video site. This will save you literally months of research and trial and error in figuring out the best way to set up your site, and the best way to make money off your site. A viral video website e-book will show you all the various ways to make money from your video site, and how to set up these various revenue routes, where you can begin profiting.
Here is an excellent viral video e-book which will provide you with everything you need to on how to start a you tube script site and how to make major money off of your site -
You can save a lot of time by simply reading this how-to manual on creating, profiting, and having fun with your own viral video you tube clone site -
Article Source:
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:24 PM
Labels: Marketing Information
Five Steps to a Successful Career in Search Engine Marketing
Kent Lewis provides excellent information on where to find reputable sources for Search Engine Marketing careers. It is worth your time to read his helpful advice.
SEM careers offer greater earning potential than your current dead-end job
By Kent Lewis
Search Engine Marketing Information
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:45 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Your Own Wholesaling Business
There are hundreds of successful Entrepreneurs that have teamed up withh Worldwide Merchandise, Inc. They have access to over 4500 products at rock bottom prices.
You don't have to invest in any inventory because they stock and ship the merchandise directly to your customers. You will have a whole warehouse right at your fingertips!
Their merchandise includes: leather goods, electronics, clothing, jewelry, gift items, etc.
They have Over 8 different marketing programs to wholesale merchandise. You can become a high volume wholesaler from: Internet sales and online auctions, Rack Merchandising, Mail Order, Flea Markets, Wholesale to retail Stores, Catalog Sales, General Merchandising.
It is your choice regarding the method that you want to operate your business. They provide everything you need to start your business. This includes all the back-up material, products and services to make them work.
Another Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:15 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Kidproof Homes Business-Another Home Business Idea
What you can do here is set up a business in which you go into homes and conduct a troubleshooting session for parents who have young kids and babies.
The questions you would ask are obvious if they would endanger a child. Are the outlets exposed? What kind of chemicals are there around that a child could get into? Does the home have a pool? Is it protected or covered or fenced so a child cannot wander in and drown?
Does the house have a staircase or stairway, that a child could fall down?
You could offer to take care of the potential hazards and install special locks, clamps, etc. The parents know that the dangers loom in their home. All they want to do is keep their kids safe. It is your job to show them how that can be done.
You will have to make this a study and find out what steps you need to take to make every home safe for children. Ask parents with kids what they have done, and than do some investigating on your own.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:01 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Wireless opportunity Business
Would you like to buy and Sell Certified pre-owned cellular phones and per-paid cell phones?
You can operate this business in Major shopping Malls and other quality locations.This company has National programs and ongoing Corporate Support and training.
Another Work At Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
11:53 AM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Monday, March 10, 2008
Give Each Page on Your Site a Unique Title
Here is a tidbit of information:
Did you know that each web page on your site is a window to the Web? Window Titles are a magnet for search engines to find your site. It is like a bookmark. Search engines use titles to determine relevancy and results that are given in a search.
What a title should do is be precise to convey as much information as possible using the least amount of words as possible.
As an example: Todays discussion-discussing everything of General Interest
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
6:46 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
Make Over $1000 Per Day-Another Work at Home Business Idea
Here is a guy that says you can make over 1000 per day over and over again.
He wants you to go to his website and call him personally. He says that you will make money by the end of the day.
Another Work At Home Business Idea
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:14 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A Business To Reduce The High Cost of Electricity
Do you want to tap High Profits in the industrial and commercial markets? This particular company has a complete line of passive energy conservation products that are designed to improve power quality and reduce the cost of operating motors, air conditioning, refrigeration and lighting systems by 10-30%. This International Company guarantees its products and insures results.
They say you can operate this business from a home office with low overhead.
Energy Automation Systems, INC.
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
12:44 PM
Labels: Business Suggestions
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Keywords-How do You Count Them?
Here is a keyword Density Analyzer that checks the ratio of keywords to the total number of words on the page.
You will find that this tool can save you a lot of time.It is well worth your time to investigate all the possibilities that can be utilized with this software.
Keywords and a great tool
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:50 PM
Labels: Seo Information