The $20,000 World Championship
InterNETwork Marketing Contest
What do you get when you combine renegade world-class expertise in Network Marketing with SiteSell's "Internet Marketer Of The Decade" and Site Build It!? You get the contest that is "more than just a contest." The entry deadline for the $20,000 contest has passed now...
But, as you read these very words, a wealth of new strategies are being elaborated by the next generation of Network Marketers, hundreds and hundreds of cutting edge online MLMers. We call them...
InterNETwork Marketers
Leave the old-school offline track record of failure behind. In the offline MLM world, you'd spend thousands of dollars for training and coaching that simply do not work.
It is not too late for you to join these pioneers. Get SBI! now and become an InterNETwork Marketer. Join the great push forward and finally take control.
Get going now before InterNETwork Marketers leave you too far behind...
* Click here for a letter from the Network Marketing Renegade and SiteSell President
* Click here to hear their two historic webinars on Network Marketing (free!)
Rock And A Hard Place
The Internet And Network Marketing
Wait... "the Net and Network Marketing"?? How in the world can those two concepts be "Catch-22"??
They should go together, hand-in-glove. And yet, Network Marketers have struggled to realize the near-infinite networking and lead-generating potential of the Web.
Instead of building wonderful, relationship-growing sites that generate warm, original and genuine MLM leads, Network Marketers are reduced to buying cold, overused MLM leads at high prices with zero conversion rates.
Did you know that many of those "get rich quick" ads on TV are actually run to generate leads, to sell to you? And they sell the same Network Marketing leads to others... over and over and over again! Why do they do that? Because Network Marketing is a huge failure online.
It does not have to be that way. The key is to build your business, the right way, the natural way. Instead of being controlled by the restrictions of companies you represent and by government regulation, build your own business and control your own destiny.
This site shows you how.
Network Marketing (Non-Diamond) Distributor?
Click to view the Network Marketing White Paper
(Prefer to download & print PDF files? Right-click the above link.)
Network Marketing Executive? Diamond Level Distributor?
Click to view the Network Marketing Diamond White Paper
(Prefer to download & print PDF files? Right-click the above link.)
Network Marketing Success
The company I work with has a great product. I have ADHD and it has helped eliminate most of my symptoms.
I wrote my site to help people with ADHD. I now have people begging me for the vitamin product that I am using.
I don't have to name the product or the company on my site. One visitor who contacted me thought she had missed it on one of my pages!
At any point, I can tell people about a different product. I don't even have to use the current one I am using. I can tell them 5 products instead of 1. It's totally up to me.
I own my traffic. I own my product recommendations. I am the expert and people are seeking my advice. Hey! I think I have my own business here!
TJ Chambers
Click here to see SBI! client sites.
SBI! Video Tour
Become A High-Earning
Network Marketer
Invest the most important
30 minutes you will spend online.
Click, sit back, and understand
why SBI! makes you succeed.
Why Does The Average Person Fail At MLM Online?
Network Marketing (sometimes called "Multi-Level Marketing" or "MLM") is all about...
* recruiting/lead generation/relationship-building
* sales conversion
* ongoing consumption
* replicating yourself through downline motivation and training.
The Internet should be the best thing since sliced bread for Network Marketers. But it's being done all wrong, by all the wrong people. It starts at the top. If your company is still stuck in the "analog, old-world model" and if your upline fails to grasp the lessons in this site, what chance do you have?
It's Time To Do It Right
Let's start at the beginning... What's the bottom line of the Network Marketing process? Simple...
Maximize the product consumption and
business-building success of your downline.
One without the other equals zero...
Huge downline, but no product sales? Zero.
No downline, selling a bit to a few friends? Almost zero.
This site shows you how to master both.
Network Marketing is "made for the Net." The Net and NETwork Marketing is a match made in heaven. "InterNETwork Marketing" should be a huge success for the industry by now. Instead, it's become a no-win quagmire.
Review the four key steps to successful InterNETwork Marketing (the term we'll use to mean "the practice of successful Network Marketing on the NET")...
STEP 1. Recruiting/lead generation/relationship-building
STEP 2. Sales conversion
STEP 3. Ongoing consumption
STEP 4. Replicating yourself through downline motivation and training.
Site Build It! does more than show you how to do this online. It leads you step-by-step, with all the tools you need, to execute to perfection.
It All Starts With Recruiting/Lead Generation
If you have no leads, you have...
* no sales conversion
* no ongoing consumption
* no one to replicate.
So What's The Problem?
Offline, it's no mystery. Most people have always had trouble working up the courage to recruit and generate leads. Offline, it's not easy to approach strangers, those who are outside their "warm circle of prospects" (i.e., friends, relatives, etc.). That's why most Network Marketers fail. Even worse...
It can be humiliating when friends and family get tired of being pitched. Many offline practices lead to a bad name for Network Marketing and ultimately a "feel bad" sensation for you, despite all those motivational speeches.
But ONline, Network Marketing fulfills the joy and pride that well-done prospecting and business-building should bring. And yes, you can do this.
Generating leads is "made for the Net." But that's not the way the online experience has unfolded. Why? Because everyone in the industry has tried to force offline methods to an online world.
It doesn't work. However...
It's Time To "Put The Net Back Into NETwork Marketing"™
There's no need to push (i.e., chase cold calls/prospects)
when you can motivate potential customers and business-builders
to pull (i.e., they want to call you to learn more).
First, let's follow the cascade of problems resulting from "forcing the Net"...
Government highly regulates the Network Marketing industry (to protect people against pyramid rackets). Corporations can be severely fined if you make business claims that are not permitted. Rules also forbid all kinds of claims about products, especially those in the wellness industry, making the situation even more difficult for Network Marketers and their companies. Obviously, when it comes to you creating a Web site, your company is scared to death of you getting them into trouble.
Network Marketing Success
I recently subscribed to SBI! and started to make my transition to move the prospecting part of MLM online, while continuing my original off-line method of training my downlines.
My results? I was stunned.....
In exactly 1 month after I have started, my site is already listed on the 1st page of Google search results for several of my keywords. Never in my 7 years of full-time old-school MLM, did I generate 172 qualified leads in 1 month. Free traffic, free leads, interested in me!
InterNetwork Marketing is so efficient for "warm lead" generation compared to the offline methods of bothering friends, family and strangers. I talk to those leads offline, of course, further warming the relationship.
The Renegade/SBI! approach of combining online recruiting with efficient "high-touch" (offline) training is the best of both worlds.
I was a little surprised at myself that I have actually successfully positioned myself into the InterNetwork Marketing Asia niche. InterNETwork Marketing is the key to unlocking the power of Network Marketing in the Web-centric world we live in today.
Willy Lim
Click here to see SBI! client sites.
SBI! Video Tour
Become A High-Earning
Network Marketer
Invest the most important
30 minutes you will spend online.
Click, sit back, and understand
why SBI! makes you succeed.
Due to severe government regulations (as well as corporate branding concerns), company headquarters does not want its reps/associates to make claims (on the Web) about product or opportunity. They don't even want you to talk about the company. So they do not provide their associates/distributors with the ability to deliver original content, using their own unique voice (the key to online success). Actually, most reputable companies forbid their associates from creating their own, unique Web sites. Consequently, you lack the correct tools and strategies to attract and win new leads and/or sales on the Net.
Corporate headquarters tries to come up with solutions. But they don't understand the Net. For example, some companies develop a very good "content site." If it was the only one of its kind, it would likely do fairly well for one Network Marketing associate. But it's not just for one person -- they replicate the site and make it available to others, figuring that thousands of associates will do even better with it. But...
Replicated "content sites" don't work. The Search Engines ignore them. Worse, actually -- the engines consider them the equivalent of spam since these sites just clog up their databases and degrade the quality of their search results. So the engines penalize replicated content sites.
Replicated stores? This is a better idea, but only for a particular purpose... order-taking. It's nothing more than a useful tool for making product sales, if you can find someone to send to your store. But...
Replicated stores don't build traffic because they have near-zero content (and if they did have content, the engines would hate them, anyway, because they are replicated).
No traffic, no leads.
No leads, no business.
You're still at Square ONE, trying to build traffic and find leads.
The final phase is the "vulture phase." This is the inevitable scenario in an industry that holds so much promise, but is floundering. Here are samples of actual copy from three recent ads...
Highest Quality - Lowest Prices - MLMs Number One Lead Source
Explode your business with fresh, MLM Leads
Legit MLM leads. Not shared. $69.95 for 125.
Yes, The Get Rich Quick Vultures Sense The Desperation In The Industry
An endless number of "online lead providers" offer "immediate, easy, powerful" answers to the industry's #1 problem... answers that simply do not work.
How could they? There are only two kinds of lead-sellers, both of whom profit off your pain...
1) Sell cheap leads. You buy the same old, tired lists.
2) Sell expensive leads. You might be getting unique leads. But who knows how unique or how "warm" or "real" they are. Usually, they are merely paid a certain amount to "be a lead" and could not care less about whatever is being "pitched."
One more important point about lead-generators... when you stop paying, the leads stop coming. So you do not own your business, not when you depend on others to generate leads.
You Own Your Business Only If You Own Your Leads
This site shows you how to build your own, self-sustaining, ever-growing Network Marketing business, using the Net. It makes only that promise, and offers none of the false get-rich-quick vulture schemes.
Special Prize
It's amazing, but sad, how many people never figure out that there is simply no such thing as "get rich quick." There are no shortcuts to building a truly profitable business with equity.
Could It Get Much Worse?
You're on your own, in a sea of sharks, and without a life preserver.
Not even a paddle.
And the raft has just sprung a leak.
The Solution?
Everyone claims to have "The Answer." Unfortunately, those are the sharks.
Site Build It! (SBI!) does not pretend to be "The Answer." However, it does provide you with the process and all the tools necessary for you to be in the first wave of successful InterNETwork Marketers.
How Does SBI! Work?
SBI! takes what you know and love, and helps you turn that into your own unique content on your own unique Web site, without breaking government or corporate rules. And that, in turn generates your own unique, warm, interested, PREsold leads. In other words...
You use the SBI! system of no-tech-skills-needed tools to execute the flawless step-by-step process to build a theme-based content site. That site, related to your Network Marketing business and its products, uses the networking power of the Web to generate warm, willing-and-wanting-to-talk-to-you prospects... people who will call you, not the other way around.
Get rich quick? No. You've come to the wrong place.
Easy as pie? NO. It's simple, but not easy. There are many steps to building any genuine, profitable business, online or off. The key to SBI! is that each step is simple. It's do-able.
While SBI! does remove all the technical barriers (HTML, FTP, CGI, Search Engine mastery, etc.), please remember... you are, after all, building a business. So it is not "quick and easy" or "get rich quick" or "guaranteed to make you $1,000,000 in 6 months." Sorry.
Are you motivated? Willing and ready to work to build your InterNetwork Marketing business? If so, SBI! delivers. Actually it OVERdelivers success... we guarantee it.
How Do We Define Success?
group image
The lifeblood of a growing Network Marketing business is new leads. So here's how we define success...
Four or five (or more) new, warm leads per day, every day, generated by you, and you only (not 1,000 others).
And they'll call you because you have done it the right and proper way. They will listen to you because you are the expert and they have called you.
Use Site Build It! To Harness The Net &
Funnel Warm Leads To You All Day
... all day and all night, actually (the Net never sleeps).
Let's take a quick look at SBI!, and how it OVERdelivers what you need to take the "Net" out of Network Marketing™... a large NET income, that is.
You're 90% Of The Way Home
When Your Leads Call YOU
Let's look at how and why SBI! builds sites that WORK (if you work it)... sites that generate warm, inbound leads, day in and day out.
Use SBI! to build a site with a theme related to your Network Marketing business. This theme should usually be related to just a specific part of a corporation's entire, broad product line.
For example, Melaleuca offers a wide range of wellness products... too wide for you to build an effective Web site. So you have to narrow the niche...
As a 55 year old man, you may have a particular interest in the prostate gland and related medical problems. You've read widely about this area, tried various remedies and have had excellent results with Melaleuca's prostate products. So...
You use the SBI! Brainstormer tool to develop prostate-related topics that are in demand, and other tools to refine your site concept and to register...
On the other hand, you may be a 40 year old woman who has had excellent results using Melaleuca's skin care products for your daughter's eczema. Your brainstorming leads you to a completely different niche site...
Two different people, two different niches. Same strong MLM results!
Other SBI! tools take you seamlessly through content creation for your site, while other ones handle your presence at the Search Engines (tracking, pinging, analyzing, ranking, etc.), for you.
Why should you do all these tedious little jobs? You should not even have to understand that part, let alone worry about it. Your time is best spent building your business.
Click here for the Quick Tour SBI! slide show.
And Then... It Happens
Network Marketing Success
Dear Ken,
A few years back I decided I needed to try network marketing via the internet. I floundered. Nothing worked.
What turned everything around was SBI. I followed your advice and took something that I knew a lot about, autoimmune diseases, and built slowly, in the evenings as I was working. I gave a lot of information, everything I knew, having learned from your example and teachings.
By February I had to quit my job as I was too busy. This past August I did about $45,000 in sales. That's not counting the $5000 in MLM commissions generated by those pages too.
This venture has proved to be very successful. I am probably the top retailer/product mover in 4 different MLMs. The prospect of trying to get back to the huge number of folks who have emailed me is overwhelming at this point.
Thanks! You gave me the vision and the direction.
Robert Harrison
AK, U.S.A.
Click here to see
SBI! client sites.
Study a successful Network Marketing case study.
Not tomorrow, not even next week, but in a month, or two. And when it starts, it builds, and it builds, a momentum growing almost of its own accord. All you do is keep on using SBI!, following the Action Guide and the online help to build more profitable theme-based content for your site.
And it does happens... no matter what your theme, niche, or industry.
"What happens?" you ask. This...
* The theme-based content attracts targeted visitors (i.e., potential customers and/or downline members).
* Your site's content credentializes you in the eyes of your potential new customers and/or downline members.
* Your e-zine (electronic newsletter) builds more and more trust.
* Bingo! They contact you, warm leads who want more information. From there, your company's training takes over (and it's so much easier to convert warm, inbound leads than cold calls!).
Isn't that better than chasing cold leads all days? SBI! empowers you to own your niche. That means...
1) Own your free, targeted, motivated traffic. Grow YOUR business by growing your own niche-oriented traffic.
2) Diversify. Naturally, inbound leads will be your main business. But monetize your traffic in other ways, too.
3) Build equity. Not only do you own your self-produced targeted traffic, but you'll build a large e-zine list. Hundreds, then thousands, of your own visitors will sign up for your zine. This is important because...
* many visitors subscribe before buying anything or before contacting you
* it takes time to build trust
* once trust is built, subscribers will contact you... yes, more leads.
The Bottom Line?
This Business Is Yours
What is one of the most frustrating aspects of Network Marketing? Your company either restructures, bankrupts, or changes the rules. When you own your own traffic, however, you are mobile because YOU own your business (rather than your corporate parent "owning" you). So...
If your company becomes unstable or treats its associates unfairly, you can switch your entire program to another, in a few minutes... and be up and running without missing a beat.
The key, of course, is owning your own traffic. Before you can build leads, before you can diversify, before you can monetize, before you can grow a large mailing list, before you can build any equity... you must grow your own targeted traffic. Which begs the obvious question...
"How Do I Build The Targeted Traffic?"
That is the key to generating warm leads. Here is the strategy that "Puts the NET in NETwork Marketing™." It drives thousands of interested visitors to your site and lands motivated leads in your INBOX every single day...
Video By SBI! Owner
"My SBI! Dream Machine"
Build relevant, high-value content about topics related to your company's products, but not about the products themselves, nor about the company, nor about the business. Why? Two reasons...
1) "Pitching" products, a company or the business opportunity would break too many government and/or corporate rules.
2) The "patient" information-sharing approach is ultimately the more effective, credible road to long-term success. It establishes you as an expert... one who shares information, someone to approach for more information and help.
Now... all you have to do is leave the door open for people to call or e-mail you for more information.
You Are Almost There
Now, Don't Make These Common Fatal Mistakes
Patience rules. It builds huge online-driven businesses, assuming you avoid these business-killing mistakes...
Do not talk business on your site. It's too early for that. Just provide good content, information that your visitors will find (via the Search Engines) and enjoy. You'll talk business to your warm leads because they are ready for "the next step."
Do not provide links to your replicated store from your site. It's too early. Lots of time for that after you've chatted on the phone or conversed by e-mail.
Don't even use a form to entice your visitors to request your "free CD-ROM." Too business-like, too soon.
Just (gently) leave the door open for them to contact you. From there, you are ready to take over, except...
You've never had it so good. They are calling you.
There is no stronger, more cost-effective way to build your customer and downline base.
THAT is what SBI! is all about. And THAT is the word that's spreading among Network Marketers.
Here are two SBI! articles, excerpted from the SBI! Tips 'n Techniques HQ, specifically about how to build a valuable Network Marketing business, no matter what company you represent, and with the complete blessing of your company and government.
Build Trust/Credibility... And Visitors Will Approach You!
Build Your Downline Without Worrying About Building Your Downline!
An Added Bonus Of This Approach...
Diversify: Add New Income Streams
To Your Network Marketing Business
Once you own your own PREsold traffic, the next question is...
"Since I Own My Traffic Now,
And Since Not All Visitors Become Leads,
How Else Can I Monetize that Traffic?"
There isn't any doubt that SBI! delivers the traffic. And yes, you will use that traffic to generate leads, the lifeblood of your Network Marketing business. But remember... in a wider sense, you're in "business."
We all see countless Web sites every day, most of which we do not "buy," of course. Same with your visitors -- most of your high-volume, PREsold traffic will not ultimately be interested in your Network Marketing business.
Enough will, of course, for you to grow your InterNETwork Marketing business significantly.
But why not monetize a greater percentage of your traffic by offering other products and/or services, even Google ads (a mere click on an ad earns you income)? In other words, develop a mix of supplementary monetization models. Diversify your business into multiple streams of income.
You know the old saying, "Some will. Some won't. So What? Next?" Well, that's your Web site as it prospects through hundreds, then thousands, of visitors per day. No hurt feelings. No sense of rejection. No embarrassment. It just sends you warm leads, and...
It converts those "not-ready-to-contact-you" visitors into dollars. Rejection becomes income? Yes, InterNETwork Marketing is a powerful monetizer of the high-volume traffic you generate.
Review this page about monetization models. Consider each one carefully. Depending on your particular niche and Network Marketing business practices, some will apply to you. Some won't.
Add the ones that fit. Watch your income grow.
Net Result?
NETwork Marketers Succeed With SBI!
SBI! is the ultimate InterNETwork Marketing system of tools. No matter what your niche is, a Network Marketing business without its own leads is pointless.
Put the Net into NETwork Marketing.™ You will soon find yourself taking a substantial Net (income) out of it.
Try it and see for yourself. Take SBI! home for a "Risk-Free Test Drive." Using SBI! is the best way to experience its power and depth... AT NO RISK.
You'll soon have a site that attracts warm leads. Your leads. Your business.
For the first time, not only will you succeed, you will be the one in control. You have a future to gain, a past (i.e., knowledge) to convert into income, and absolutely nothing to lose.
"Venture nothing,
and life is less than it should be."
Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990)
Take advantage of our
Money-Back Satisfaction & Success Guarantee.
Use it to convert your purchase into a
"risk-free take-it-home-for-a-test-drive" trial.
In other words...
Purchase and then decide.
Order and Try SBI! Today Risk-Free!
Friday, February 22, 2008
The Internet And Network Marketing
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
2:13 PM
Labels: Marketing Strategies
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