Passive income is simply having your money working for you, rather than you working for your money.
The Berry Tree is a great source to do just that. You simply buy the products stay on autoship accumulate a minimum of 10bmc's(Berry member credits) and you will be entered into the Bronze pool. This is where you can earn passive income on everyone that joins. Even 5 years before you Joined and anyone that joins after you joined, you can earn money through this pool.
If you stay in long enough and not do anything, you will be rewarded for being a loyal member of
The Berry Tree. Here is the breakdown and how you can move up in passive earnings.
Accumulate The following points and move up passively in pool earnings.
Should you refer people to The Berry Tree, your earnings increase substantially. Your BMC'S also accumulate faster when your referrals join as passive income earners. So now we are talking about Actively participating and earning passive income at the same time. Can you imagine what would happen if your referrals started to also refer other people and become active?
This is why The Berry Tree is a Patented Pending working business model that has a triple money back guarantee.
If you would like to understand this in greater detail, click here
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Passive Income And The Berry Tree
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:17 AM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Andy Bodwoin Of ASD to Receive The Medal of distinction
I have recent posted news about ASD of which I have been a member since April of this year.
AdSurfDaily President, Andy Bowdoin, was invited to Washington,D.C., this week, by United States President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to receive the Medal of Distinction, at the White House. This is a very special honor for his contributions in business. We commend him for all of his service and leadership. Congratulations to our company President, Mr. Andy Bowdoin.
I knew from the moment I saw this man on Video that his sincerity and honesty absolutely radiated through the screen.
I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to join.
For more info. click here
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
8:38 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Are Classifed Ads Antiquated? Contnd'
The news is not in yet. I evidently made some errors when I posted the ads and the companies notified me that they were never posted. I really cannot say as of this time whether or not Classified ads are worth anyone's time. The problem I always had was they got deleted before anyone had a chance to read them.
Stay tuned for more information
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
1:34 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Are Classifed Ads Antiquated?
I recently did some searching regarding free Classified Advertising. What I have noticed is that they are listing the amount of hits that ads are receiving. Obviously this is a great indicator of how often your site is viewed.
Since you cannot beat free, I thought I would re-try this method of advertising. Today, I posted some ads. They will not come out until tomorrow. I should have a good count for you by Thursday.
At that time I will post where I posted The Classified ad and how many people viewed my ad. I will also show you the ad that I posted that received the hits.
I know Free classified sites were on the downturn. It seems that webmasters have new tactics to get their sites and ads viewed more often.
Stay Tuned!
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
3:11 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
More Information On The Berry Tree
The Berry Tree has to be one of the most helpful marketing companies on the Internet. They(The Berry Tree organization definitely have so many tools that the only way you can fail is to not do anything. However, it is true, you do not have to do anything and remain passive and you will still make money.
How is that possible? There is a video that gives a clear picture and analogy of how powerful this working business model with The Berry Tree truly is.
Go here to view the video (The Berry Tree)
For more information about the business, click here
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
4:04 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Berry Tree
Every now and than comes a business that makes a promise and keeps it.
That is exactly how you would describe "The Berry Tree". The Berry Tree is an organization filled with people that have a sincere desire to help anyone that joins become successful. They just don't say it, they put their money where there mouth is.
They(The Berry Tree) offer a triple money back guarantee that you will succeed.
Now it should be very obvious that the people that get the help, are the people that help themselves. This is not for people that are looking for a handout. This is for people that are looking for the greatest support and a family type atmosphere. The Berry Tree Organization simply stated wants to help people that want to make a better life for themselves.
Are you interested in growing a fun business filled with wonderful leaders?
The Berry Tree(click here)
Posted by
Thomas Zimmerman
5:41 PM